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abortion is not a choice i personally would make , with my second child because i was given ect(electro shock therapy)for depression in kentucky when i was about 4 weeks pregnant. when i moved back to texas i had many sonograms they gave me amniocentsis afterwards (sp?) they told me that my daughter would be born with only a brain stem and had a zero percent chance of survival after birth i continued with the pregnancy and have a beautiful 12 year old girl now. i have a cousin that i refuse to speak to in florida because she chooses to use abortion as her own personal means of birth control( 4 so far i believe) and it makes me ill to think about it. but i would never tell someone that was in my position 13 years ago that they had to have an abortion or not. i could not have imagined holding my daughter and watching her die which is exactly what would have happened if the docs were right and i couldnt imagine telling a woman/girl that was raped or molested that she had to carry that child whether she gave it up for adoption or not. no man has ever carried a child and unless there is some miracle of science no man ever will .there fore i do believe that it is a womans choice . if there is a father (husband /boyfriend) he should have the right to protest, but if a person is not directly involved in the conception then its not their decision