? about Alkalinity & Carbonate Hardness


Hi Folks,
Is Alkalinity and Carbonate Hardness the same thing?
When resources say that the water should be 8-12 dkh what is that referring to and how do I test for that?
I tested for Carbonate Hardness and am at 160 mg/L.
Thank You in Advance!!


Yes, Alkalinity is often referred to as Carbonate Hardness.
Alkalinity is a measure of the ability of a solution to neutralize acid without changing the pH. It both controls and maintains water pH.
Alkalinity is measured in degrees (dKH)
You buy test kit to test alkalinity, and you should because a alkalinity can affect you your ph.


OK, so if my test kit says that my carbonate hardness is 160 mg/L do you know how that converts to dKH?


Originally Posted by christs
OK, so if my test kit says that my carbonate hardness is 160 mg/L do you know how that converts to dKH?
Read the instructions on your test kit, you should have a conversion table or how to convert it on there somewhere. Every one that I have seen has it.

bang guy

Originally Posted by christs
OK, so if my test kit says that my carbonate hardness is 160 mg/L do you know how that converts to dKH?
1 Meq/L = 50 mg/L = 2.8 dKH
3.2 Meq/L = 160 mg/L = 9 dKH