yes, your percula will probably take it as its new home... but it also might not... depends on the clownfish
don't feed the anemone guppies, feed him other meaty stuff, like chopped up squid, clam, etc not too often though.
IMO the Carpet was a bad idea. They get very very large. In less than a couple years I would expect your carpet to be at least 2 square feet. Thaey are also notorious for eating their resident clownfish and every other fish in the tank.
Just warning you.....
I would have to agree with Bang. You may want to see if you can trade it in on a less aggressive anemone. I have a green carpet that came with my tank, and it just took out my regal tang which was 7 inches long. The maroon clown that was hosting it is now getting stung(not seriously) but still leaves marks on him. I also believe it is responsible for the disappearance of 4 damsels that were in the tank. It is over a foot across and still growing. I feed it krill,sqid,shrimp.I tried to get my lfs to take it on trade, but he didn't want it. Guess I'll have to keep it.
I have a Green Carpet anemone for at least 1 year in my tank. It's beautiful creature, never caused any problems, never ate nothing in the tank. It eats only filter feeder's meal and not growing fast. Very hardy. I love mine.