> about clown fish


i have a gold stripe maroon clown and i want to get another clown so i can make them a pair and how do i know whitch is a male or a female


i may be wrong on the details but i'll give it a shot.
all clown fish are males until they are paired. then they fight for the right to change into a female, but once a female always a female.

bang guy

Maroons are notoriously difficult to pair.
If you want to try you need to find a very young, very small, very tough little GSM. The female (the one you have now) will harass it endlessly, shred it's fins, bite it, slam it, etc. If it survives then there's a good chance it will become male and they will pair up.


Bangs right
if you don't put them in at the same time and let them astablish there teritories, then you shouldn't put another one in with the one you have already. yours has already astablished that the tank is hers, if you add another one, it will most likely be killed. sorry. but if you can catch the one that is in your tank now and put it in a quarintine or holding tank for about a week, then get a new one, you can acclimate them both into your display at the same time, you will have a better chance at pairing them.
i only know this by experiance, this is what i had to do.
and i don't know if it will work for you or not. but i do wish you luck. and maybe there are other people out there that can give you some more info on this matter than i can.


Also move the rocks around so when you put the original golstripe it'll think it's in a different tank. Then both will have to establish a new territory.
I got lucky when I paired my black and white percs. My large female (2 1/2") protected the new little perc (1") from my killer sixline. They fought for practically the whole day when I put the new little guy in. I didn't think she had it in her to hold her own against my quick and sneacky sixline wrasse. Now the percs swim together and get along great. Except for the occasional butt wooping the female gives the male once in a while.