Originally Posted by vegas made
lol no man i took my bursa undy and niger back i took your advice
i just got the blue-line now and the toad fish and a lion and 2 puffers and thats the only time my porc puffer has puffed up in his whole life so far i dunno why he was stressed or scared he was all alone no one was near him and he just puffed up i dunno i checked my water everything was fine
It's definitely a sign of stress. How big is the puffer? You are still way overstocked for a 60 gallon tank.
lol no man i took my bursa undy and niger back i took your advice
i just got the blue-line now and the toad fish and a lion and 2 puffers and thats the only time my porc puffer has puffed up in his whole life so far i dunno why he was stressed or scared he was all alone no one was near him and he just puffed up i dunno i checked my water everything was fine
It's definitely a sign of stress. How big is the puffer? You are still way overstocked for a 60 gallon tank.