achilles tang


Active Member
Has anyone had any experience with one and if you haven't I'd still appreciate any info you have on it like minimum tank size why they are considered one of the hardest fish to keep and anything else you have to offer about this fish.


Well-Known Member
Min tank is in the 180 range. They get big. There difficult due to there ability to acclimate to captivity I believe


Active Member
I thought they were actually one of the smaller tangs at only 8-9" max size? and what specifically do they have trouble adapting to? And does a juvenile adapt better than an adult or does not really matter?


Well-Known Member
Size u r correct about 9. Honestly idk what there issues are. Cost is one thing, but they need alot of open swimming space aswell.


Active Member
No kidding about the cost its one expensive fish which is why I want to know all about them and why people say they're hard to keep I know they need pristine water but that's true about all tangs and like all the other tangs it needs open swimming space with hiding spots to sleep in I'm guessing? so I'm not seeing how they're harder than any other tang. And would my 6' 135g work for one?


Well-Known Member
Expensive fish I think are generally considered hard to keep. Mostly due to the fact few people actually keep them and have experience w them. The one site I looked at reccomend a 180 min


Active Member
I'm just kinda guessing it would I guess since I've been told I could keep a lieutenant tang 10" or a orange shoulder tang 12" so theoretically it should work but I want others opinions since I still have no idea what I'm doing. So what your saying is it's not technically harder just less kept due price?


Well-Known Member
That would be my guess. The size of the fish isnt the only thing that should be considered for tank size. Temperment needs to be aswell. Certain fish are just too aggressive in smaller tanks. Now 6ft is generally the longest a tank will be. I believe ive seen one that was 7 but that was ungodly heavy. Lol


Active Member
Are Achilles notorious for being mean and nasty? And from what I've read and heard a 6' tank is the average recommended tank length for most tangs if that means anything.


Well-Known Member
Tangs are like mobile homes, they're ich magnets. Easily stressed. Even after you have them in your tank. All tangs are vegetarians but some are very picky about what they eat. Even two tangs of the same genus can prefer different types of algae. They're just unpredictable that way.

Just saying.


Well-Known Member
I agree, I have a yellow tang thats slightly aggressive at new additions but never gets bad, then I have a kole that will and has killed new fish. So it really varies fish by fish


Active Member
It seems like other than the price tag on these fish they're just like every other tang is this true or am I missing something?


Well-Known Member
From what ive seen I agree. But I ve never kept one myself. I have a few tangs but not an Achilles


Active Member
I think I'll try one as soon as I can find one for a reasonable price if thats possible. And do have to feed tangs seaweed cause I've read you feed them lettuce, broccoli, carrots and other veggies.


Well-Known Member
Not just any lettuce though. Romaine lettuce is best because it thinner. And you don't have to blanch it. Just put it in a baggie and freeze it. When it thaws, its nice and soft. Blanching will take out some of the nutritional value.


Well-Known Member
Veggie eaters are grazers so some people even just put in on a plastic clip, put it in the tank and leave it. Start with a small piece until you learn how much it eats during the day light hours and adjust the size from there.
That plan wouldn't include flakes or meat obviously. Then of course it's what they can eat within two minutes.