

I bought one today but dont know where to place it? I have a 29g with pc lights. should i put him all the way to the top or in the middle or the bottom. also how can you tell if an acropora is healthy? Thanks in advance

jason weber

I am not sure b/c i just started doing acro myself but i think you may not have enough lighting for it to do well at all.

reef fool

Active Member
My LFS would not sell me one and I have 440 watts of VHO. They insisted I need MH lighting for them to do well.


I don't know what your type of PC lighting is, but it is probably insufficient for acropora. I don't know why the LFS would sell you it but if I were you I would take it back and get a refund unless you plan on adding metal halide light very very soon.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
I have a few acropora frags in my nano under PCs and they do well, but need to be placed just under the lighting, and they love to hammered by current.


Ok I am going to keep it and i placed it all the way at the top. But my question is how do i know its healthy? and my acropora looks nothing like that pic. it is smooth not bumpy.


ok i was browsing through a site and looking at pics of different corals and it looks exactly like a blue ridge coral and its green. maybe the LFS was mistaken? or do they look the same? can anyone answer my question aboout how i can tell if its healthy???


Active Member
Ok first off, relax someone will usually answer your question.
you can tell if it's healthy by looking if it extends it feeding polyps. You will also want to to look for disease or bleaching. The bleaching is self explainitory. The disease is rapid tissue necrosis. The base of the acro will start to loose it's skin and the whole thing will die usually overnight.


thanx for the info josh but do me a favor, for future reference, dont EVER tell me to relax. im not a child. maybe you could say something like "have some patience someone will answer your question". that wouldve been better. but telling some to "relax" is offensive. just for future reference. and if i seem a little impatient its because i just bought the coral today and the LFS is kind of dumb and maybe its not even an acropora and maybe its not even healthy


Active Member
relax - maybe do a bit of reading before purchasing your next cora or talk with some folks on the board. I can appreciate your concern for your coral, but the board is not setup soely to help one person. A member will always reply to a fellow member who needs advice.


Of course you're not a child Kathy, yer like 18 right?
I'm sure Josh meant no harm whatsoever... he was trying to help you. So, since you find the word "relax" offensive, try this...
Chill with the 'tude or NO ONE is gonna do squat for you.
This is a board frequented by alot of people... posts move fast around here. Try this next time... instead of posting another thread demanding that someone answer your question just "bump" your first post back to the top... perhaps by politely asking "can some one help me on this please?"


didnt i just say to please not tell me to relax? its offensive to me and i would appreciate it if you didnt. if you dont think its offensive then tell others to relax but i personally think its offensive and i think it is very rude for you to tell me to relax after i just asked you not to. please have some respect for what others believe is offensive. thank you. and mods please dont delete this thread i really need advice on this and i am trying to be polite to josh. but if you feel that this thread needs to be removed please let me know in advance or just delete the posts you feel should be removed. thanks.


Active Member
Ok kathy let me break this down a bit and then you can have it deleted if you like.
I said relax b/c that's what I meant. If I wanted to say have partience someone will help you then I would have said that.
Relax and enjoy the hobby, there is no need to rush into anything. Kick back and read up, talk to people and take this acro as a lesson learned. We here just try to save folks they mistakes we ( I ) have made along the way. This hobby is not for people who want instant gratification. I didn't mean it to be offensive and there was no need for you to jump on my case.
Your question was answered by a few different people, unfortuantly the answers don't boad well for the acro. I am sorry for that, but please don't take my saying relax any other way than the way I meant it. ENJOY THE HOBBY and even the lessons you learn along the way.


Everything may not be lost here. There are people who keep acros under lower lighting. They may not be growing fast and most likely don't get the same coloration but they are alive. I don't know anything about a blue ridge and from what i've seen they aren't acros anyway. If its not a blue ridge then i'm inclinded to suggest that it may be some type of monti. If this is the case then from what i understand it doesn't require as much light as most of the acros do. Correct me if i'm wrong about this because i'm no expert and actually i'm just starting up a acro tank right now with a 250 watt mh so i at least know i have the lighting. Everyone remember to research everything before you buy it or you could end up killing it.....I have numerous times:mad:


Thanks for the advice fishfood. as for the other 2, yes i am 19 adn yes i am still a child but what i meant is im not like 3 years old for someone to tell me to relax. i just personally find that offensive and i feel people should respect that. as for the "tude" i dont have one i simply asked josh as politely as i could to please not tell me to relax that i found it offensive. and as for you josh, the first time you told me to relax it was because i was becoming impatient so obviously you couldve said have some patience or said it differently not "relax". god! im new to this board and i seriously was trying to be as polite as i could when i asked josh to please not tell me to relax. im sure he meant nothing by it but i personally find it offensive. have some courtesy and please reread my posts and you will see that i was being as polite as possible. and like im saying for the billionth time I just personally find it insulting. Thanks! btw mods you can delete it now my this thread has no relevance to when i first posted.


thanks skilo for your advice as well. 1 more thing for josh and his partner, i dont rush into anything. i have had my reef tank setup for about 4 years now and its not even close to finished so yes i do take my time. thanks for all who helped!


Why do people buy the stuff then get mad with the answers? Kathy if you truly are mature then do the homework BEFORE you buy the coral! :(


im not mad with any answers just the "relax" comment.:rolleyes: and btw the only reason i got the coral w/o knowing much about it was b/c the store was moving locations and all corals were $8 each and i asked many questions before i bought it such as placement, current, etc. i just wanted more feedback from those who know more than i do. :)


ok after looking at a million websites it kinda looks like a lettuce coral?? is the lettuce a hard coral? what does the lettuce require? and how do i know for sure if its a lettuce?