Added live sand to established tank, very cloudy, safe for fish?


New Member
Hi, I added a 40lb bag of CaribSea live sand to my 125 established aquarium and the water became cloudy, milky-like with some foam at the top of tank. I know I have used this years ago in the same manner, but it never clouded up this badly. I am worried for my fish, I have a large Naso Tang, a Koran angel, a maroon clown, cleaner wrasse, lunar wrasse and a flame angel. I can do a water change but not for about 9 hours. I have the wet/dry sump filter along with a small eheim and a protein skimmer running. Any advice or experience with this would be helpful! Thanks!!

bang guy

Is the PH stable? It sounds like the sand grains are not coated by bacteria. Uncoated Caco3 will act as a seed crystal and pull Carbonate out of solution. Check the PH, if it's not dropping then you're fine.


I just recently removed the CC sand that was in my tank and replaced it with live sand. Yes, the tank was very cloudy for about 24 hours and I was worried the fish wouldn't make it. I'm pleased to report that the fish didn't seem to notice and even came out to feed when food was dropped in.
Now that the dust has settled, eveything seems ok so I think you're fish will be fine too.