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Feeding your fish three times a day is going to cause water quality issues.Feed once a day,as much as they will consume in a few minutes...and the nori or dried seaweed.
Try using a mag float to hold the dried seaweed,it holds it better.I would also suggest a variety of foods...since these are bulky fish.Some formula VHP would benefit them,along with some mysis shrimp,squid,fresh shrimp.etc.
as your nic name states research firs
^.tangs are herbavores not carnivores and need a herbavore diet.hippo tangs are also highly prone to ich to reduce ich outbreaks you must feed these fish proper nutrition.all experts state these fish should be fed at least 3-4 times per day.2-3 will suffice.reason being hebavores are poop machines as all state tangs are.of course they are they need very little meaty foods once you start getting carnivores into the tank then start adding more meats the emerald entrese will give your tangs plenty of that but are more benefited by the algae base of this cube.you should be doing weekly water changes no matter what anyways so if you feed your fish properly dont worry about water changing due to feeding .but to reduce cost of feeding and wasted food .you could introduce your fish to flaked or pelleted foods for morning feedings.omega one makes 2 dfferent types of flakes that your tangs will benefit from first which I use every other moring is veggie flakes alternate mornings I use thera+A non medicated antiparesitic formula pellets by spectrum .omega one also makes a kelp flake just feed enough of any of these foods to be consumed in 3 min . you can use the seaweed sheets for daytime picking if they arent eating as much as you place in use smaller sheets is all. your tangs can also benefit from cyclopseze. btw nice looking tank
ps if you thaw the cube with the garlic extreme in a little waterin a cup then dump into tank you will get less waste