adding a substrate to an established reef system

Adding a substrate of crushed coral or sand to an established reef system. Is it a good idea? if so which way could one add a substrate to their system without any problems?
Dry crushed coral or dry sand. How can I do it I moved my tank and left the live sugar fine sand and now I want crushed coral ... How can I make this happen if so?


Staff member
Crushed coral is a very poor choice for any marine tank, let alone a reef tank. The sharp edges of the crushed coral is a death trap for all the beneficial reef critters that you want to encourage proliferation in the sandbed. Crushed coral also traps waste to the extent that it makes your system poor in completing waste export. In other words, expect high nitrates.
You have to think of your substrate as a viable part of your tank's filtration and ecosystem. Crushed coral does not meet that requirement. Live sand does.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Beth that explains why my Xena's do so well. I have crush coral as substrate (tanks been up for 21years, live sand wasn't heard of) my nitrate levels are 0.