Additives and treatments


Getting supplies to stock for the start of my tank. I'd like to know from anyone what additives or treatments I should have on hand for either everyday use or emergency. It's a 125 FOWLR. Nothing in it as of yet. Thinking only a few fish, clownfish..possible hippo tang...dwarf angel...grammas...and a school of neon tetras. :)
Anything you guys use or would recommend to stock?


Active Member
With regular water changes additive are usually not needed for a FOWLR
For treatments, I wouldn't use any meds in the display, maybe set up a QT tank if you can
Vitamins & Nutritional Supplements will help keep the fish healthy
Garlic, Zoe and Zoecon are all good to mix with their food
Selcon is good for tangs and is used to treat HLLE


Active Member
i would suggest amquel to neutralize ammonia if it should spike on you and i also use "aquasafe" as a declorinator and stress coat.


Active Member
I respectfully disagree. Any kind of ammonia neutralizer isn't needed if the tank is properly cycled and maintained and if fact the use of such a product can hinder the cycling process.
I would recommend the use of RODI water over any kind of dechlorinate.


I would have to agree with reefnut, you can pick up ozonated water cheap anywhere even walmart. I can't understand why people will invest so much money on other things and try to save a couple cents by using tap water


Yeah I do have an RO/DI unit that will be set up so I don't think the water will be much of a concern to start with. I remember getting all that stuff for my tap water with my freshwater tank. I will be setting up a QT tank also for most of the medications. I guess I was just curious if a FOWLR tank needed any additives, I know they're different from a reef but I see how much you have to add to one of those. Thanks!

bang guy

Good answer.
As far as things to keep on hand. I keep a bag of GAC (Granular Activated Carbon) in case of toxic spills or accidents and a bottle of AmQuel in case there's a big die-off for some reason and I need to neutralize an Ammonia spike.
I regularly dose limewater and I try to change water on a regular basis.


Word of advice - just make sure that your RO unit doesn't leave the chlorine in the H2O. ALMOST bought one that NEEDED Chlorine to function and left it in the water!?! WHY would anyone sell one of those?! :confused: