here is my setup there are a few ways ive heard to make it better but before i get rid of anything i want to hear from everyone
125 gal
75 lbs live rock
75 lbs base rock
3 mushroom rocks
2 carpet anemones
3 rock anemones
2 pink tip anemones
2 goniopora
3" deep live sand bed
Berlin XL skimmer
UV 15 watt light
amiricle wet/dry
XL fluval canister
5 dwarf angels
powder blue tang
8 clown gobies
2 daimond gobys
2 anthias
and some other small fish
hopefully in a week ill have 2x 250 watt pendant MH's for the tank will this be enough?
even though it is a quasi reef tank there are a lot of fish so is removing the bio balls still advisable or the UV?
125 gal
75 lbs live rock
75 lbs base rock
3 mushroom rocks
2 carpet anemones
3 rock anemones
2 pink tip anemones
2 goniopora
3" deep live sand bed
Berlin XL skimmer
UV 15 watt light
amiricle wet/dry
XL fluval canister
5 dwarf angels
powder blue tang
8 clown gobies
2 daimond gobys
2 anthias
and some other small fish
hopefully in a week ill have 2x 250 watt pendant MH's for the tank will this be enough?
even though it is a quasi reef tank there are a lot of fish so is removing the bio balls still advisable or the UV?