advice for my setup?


here is my setup there are a few ways ive heard to make it better but before i get rid of anything i want to hear from everyone
125 gal
75 lbs live rock
75 lbs base rock
3 mushroom rocks
2 carpet anemones
3 rock anemones
2 pink tip anemones
2 goniopora
3" deep live sand bed
Berlin XL skimmer
UV 15 watt light
amiricle wet/dry
XL fluval canister
5 dwarf angels
powder blue tang
8 clown gobies
2 daimond gobys
2 anthias
and some other small fish
hopefully in a week ill have 2x 250 watt pendant MH's for the tank will this be enough?
even though it is a quasi reef tank there are a lot of fish so is removing the bio balls still advisable or the UV?


Active Member
Your lighting will be fine. IMHO you should have a blue actinic also. (Mine come on an hour before the others and stay on an hour after the other lights.) NO or VHO or PC, doesn't really make a big difference with the MH's.
I'd lose the UV sterilizer. (Just my .02 with no practical experience with it, just what I've read.) I would not use the bio-balls since they will just collect detris and become a nice little nitrate factory for you.
You didn't ask, but I'd go to 1 dwarf angel unless you find a mated pair. I also am not sure what a clown gobie is. Clownfish? Like Percula's maybe? If that's what you're talking about you have to be careful how you add them to your tank.
Anyway, good luck with it!



one of the clown gobies is on the left in that pic they are tiny gobys good for reefs
i have 2 double strip lights on it know with actinics which ill just put on before and after the halides
and i know the UV is detrimental to the reef but benificial for the fish does the bad outweigh the good?


the angels are
flame angel
nox angel
coral beauty
swallowtail angel
juvi emperata
they all get along and have been together for about 2 months


Active Member
UV=waste of money, the only goo use for them I can think of is killing green water in ponds. Carpet anemones, most anemones in general, are hard to care for, most dont survive long, especially the brightly colored ones :eek:. Dwarf angels are notorious for eating coral polyps, and imperator angels get way too big for even a 125. All angels are teritorial and you may run into some aggression problems. How long has this tank been setup? Like Dan said "biological filters",bio media, can cause a bulid up of nitrates. A functional live sand bed and live rock will take care of all your bio filtration. I dont think it would hurt to add a little more sand and rock. 8 clown gobies :eek: Do they fight at all? I agree the lighting is fine, what kelvin bulbs will you be running? Of course Gonipora does very poorly in captivity :( IM really curious to know how long this tank has been established?


the tank has been set up for about 5 months running smoothly the whole time. all of the clown gobies are about 1-2 inches and dont fight there actually really cute they all bite my fingers when i feed flakes. and that was my next question when i get the 250 watt halides should i get 10k or 20k?


Active Member
Thats up to you, the lower the kelvin range, the more intense and less blue, the higher the bluer and less intense. It all depends on what you like as far as looks, and what you plan on keeping. If your going for an all around tank I would go with the 10K and see if you could get away with actinics, if you want to go with certain clams and some sps among other corals I would go with some 55K or 65K, which are more intense, last longer, and cheaper to replace. YOu would want actnics with this set up, but even the actinics add a little intensity, and you can creat a dust dawn effect which is pretty cool :) HTH


Active Member
Your tank is a nitrate nightmare waiting to happen.
I recommend removing the Bioballs and mechanical filtration from the canister.


thanx burn i did that today i unhooked the canister which had bio balls in it and took out the uv i also added another grate for a filter pad there are still a few bio balls in the wet dry though about half i need to figure how to elevate the grate before i take them out and there are bio balls in the overflow which i will take out soon.. also i think ill get some more live rock