Advice needed!!!!!!!!

My SW tank has been running for a day now
and I got alredy bacterialated water from
my lfs and my live rock and sand in and my
filter is working great! All the dust and things
have settled! This is my ten gallon nano reef
and i would like to know what i can add today
and in the next couple of days!
I need some advice please! :eek:


Whoa!! What's the big rush A small
tank gives almost no margin for error.
Give it at least a week.Watch your tests
Give the sstem a chance to mature and
add only one very small fish
If it wre mine I'd wait a month before
adding anything but if it's stable you may get by with it Your call
well the water is almost stable
cos i ggot it from a 180 gallon long
and that water was perfect parameters.
So that 's why i asked! anymore advice??


Active Member
What you have is a 10 gallon tank with some live rock and sand, with a filter - 1 day old - and your lfs's saltwater - and that's it.
Getting ummmmm "bacterialated water" from an existing tank doesn't really mean squat as for setting up a new tank.
You must cycle this tank still - I'm sure you are aware of this - but worth mentioning.
Go to the store - get yourself 1 raw shrimp, and toss it in the tank.
Monitor for ammonia, trites and trates - you know the drill.
Cycle it !
No fish - No hermits - No nothing at this point - but patience.


Active Member
even if you move a tank, and use the ame water rock tank filters, and water, it may still cycle, but with new filters and tank and sand, it will definitely have to go through it's cycle, you have to get bacteria growing on all this stuff,and if the lr was not fully cured, it will take some time, but i'd still monitor and give it a good week anyhow, just to make sure it is in line and staable, before adding anything, before i do anything with our tank, i watch teh water quality for a good week,a nd make sure it is stabilized, any fluctuations at all and i stake care of it then wit for at least a week of stability
tombraider, the best piece of advice i can ever give to you is:
NOTHING HAPPENS FAST IN THIS HOBBY, EXCEPT BAD THINGS, no matter what you do to try and speed it up, youmist go slow, especially with such a small system
Sry guys but the lfs said to put a fish in so i bough a blue damsel.. Anyway so thats all hes
in there and hes doing GREAT :D :D He loves it and he eating! :) :) Any way and more advice i would like! ;)


Active Member
you will probably not believe this, but i had an lfs kill 300$ worht of fish for me, because he was in a hurrrry, so we don't listen to them much anymore, blue damsels will more than likely survive the cycle, but a word of caution, an lfs that hurries you in anyway, is one that is out for the sale, guarenteed!, this is why id on't like most of them and take their advice with a grain of salt, they will tell you almost anything you would like to hear, if it means a sale,
2 that i frequent never hurry you at all, so i keep going back and they will allow me to browse ask questions and allow me to go research my next purchase before i buy, and that is the way it should be, there should be no hurries ever in this hobby, as i said before, the only thigns that hurry is people leaving the hobby(because the impatient ones all abandon within a year or so)


Active Member
you will probably not believe this, but i had an lfs kill 300$ worht of fish for me, because he was in a hurrrry, so we don't listen to them much anymore, blue damsels will more than likely survive the cycle, but a word of caution, an lfs that hurries you in anyway, is one that is out for the sale, guarenteed!, this is why id on't like most of them and take their advice with a grain of salt, they will tell you almost anything you would like to hear, if it means a sale,
2 that i frequent never hurry you at all, so i keep going back and they will allow me to browse ask questions and allow me to go research my next purchase before i buy, and that is the way it should be, there should be no hurries ever in this hobby, as i said before, the only thigns that hurry is people leaving the hobby(because the impatient ones all abandon within a year or so)


Active Member
I agree with the rest of the folks on this one. Your fish is living, and still might live, only b/c the tank has not begun to cycle yet.. so there is no ammonia ect in it yet.....but there will be. As mentioned the fish might live, but you will stress the crap out of it, literally. I still don't understand why people cycle tanks with fish when there are better options that don't involve bringing a fish to the brink of death. Ragardless, Good luck
If you want to rush things at least throw a peice of raw shrimp into the tank. Check your water quality daily before you add anything else make sure that your water is at the right levels. Then start adding mushrooms our any VERY hardy corals. The damsel isnt really needed but if you like him cool. Also you may want to watch out for the lfs that you bought the damsel from. They sound like they are just out for the money. A good store would have told you to wait a while for a fish.
yeah yeah i'm back now
thanks for all the advice
and i'm going to tell you once more that ive been testing every other day and all the chemisrt and others are PERFECT !
so everyone please stop telling me to wait i get your point <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> :D
okay well no that thats out im ok
any way thank for the avice and keep it coming!!!
<img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />
my tank's doing great
all the parimeters are doing great
and i got another damsel yesterday...
is there anything spacific you would like
kniw cause i'm open but i wasn't sure what you'd
lik... So please and advice would be wonderful
:D :D
i have to agree with everyone else. just because you added bacterialized water. lr, and l/s, you still most likely will go through a cycle. your damsel will most likely survive but unfortunetly you will not be able to add much more to this tank. lfs's want your money and for the most part don't care about your tank inhabitants or your tank. unfortunetly i find it harder to find a lfs that is honest and cares about the customer more than the buck. be patient, it will pay off for you in the long run
thanks for the advice wolf man
but my tanks been running for a couple o
weeks and i still haven't gone through
a cycle and as luck would have it i'm not good
at being patient... so if and when anyone thinks
my tank is going to cycle please let me know
ASAP!! Thanx for all your help of thoses who
answered my posts~~! <img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" /> :D :D <img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" />


Active Member
Anyone that can tell you 100% sure when you tank
is going to start of finish the cycle must have extrasensory perception.
The only way I am aware of is by monitoring your water as you have been.
Sometimes a tank with a lot of LR LS will cycle quickly and if you miss it - you miss it.
Good luck on your tank tombraider118 !!
ps - I edited you lengthy phrase PPEERRFFEECCTT to just the word
PERFECT ! so we could read this post without scrolling left and right - hope ya don't mind.
thank you broomer and no i don't mind..
now that i have 2 damsels can anyone help
me on fish that i can get to venture out beyond the rock?? i'm planning to chuck the damsels
and i need some fish that are compadable
w/ my tank and that r more curious than
my stupid damsels that never sto fighting...
Any suggestipns are welcome..!!!
thank you ! :D :D