advice on getting a mandarin


hi i really want to get either a green or a spotted mandarin, hey y not one of The only thing that is making me think twice is that i am doing my research and it says that they do best with live sand and live rock. I currently don't have either but i do plan to get some LR in a couple of days. Should i risk getting one or should i get the LR and wait for a while. I am using crused coral as my substrate. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
Thanks for everyone's advice


Active Member
You should wait awhile. I am not sure about the CC vs. LS, so I can't answer that (but I believe CC isn't the best choice). I do know that they need the LR for the pods, and you need to have plenty in the rocks to support them. There are some that eat other food, but I believe they still need the pods. They are a very delicate species so wait it out and see what others have to say before you do anything. HTH


since i am getting fish next week, is it ok if i add some LR at the same time or should i postpone the LR until the fish get settled


Active Member
How long has the tank been up and running and has the cycle went through yet? What are the parameters (amn., trites, trates) what kind of tank you wanting and what fish are you getting? Need more info.


Active Member
IMO if you have no LR and want to add it I would not do it at the same time as adding fish. I would add the LR first just incase there is a spike and is the LR cured?


the tank is running for about 4 months now and it cycled without any deaths. I check the ph, nitrite, nitrate, and ammonia every week and i have been doing a water change every 2 weeks or so . I hope that this is enough info..
thanks for your advice


Active Member
What is currently in your tank? and what are the readings and what fish are you getting? Anyways like I said before if you are wanting LR and in the near future want a mandarian (which IMO would be weary about) I would add the LR before any other fish (or at least most of it, but not a one time) to get it established in the tank, therefore increasing the chances of critters to feed the fish who pick off the rocks and decreasing spikes if at all possible. And go from there. And like I said I am not sure of CC with a mandarian. And is the LR cured? HTH


Active Member
how large is your tank, and do you have any rock yet??
i would not add a mandarin ot a young tank, until after i had plenty of lr and a good stable pod population and if you have added no rock or pods to the tank, odds are not in your favor, mandarins NEED pods, sure some will eat foods, but most won't
and unless you have a large tank with a very strong pod pop., i would definitely not get more than one in any circumstance
now, lr does not really mean you have plenty of pods, but it does help to support and introduce them(since many do come on lr)


the tank is a 55 and i do have 3 pieces of rock in there but it is carved rock. I also have some coral in there but it is not alive.

bang guy

100 pounds of live rock will support one Dragonette. Another option is to add a decent sized refugium to grow more 'pods. I've heard of good success with placing a large pile of reef rubble in a corner to protect the 'pods so they can reproduce. I've not personally tried the 'pod pile but it makes sense that it would work.


The best and easiest way to care for and keep a mandrine is to have a substantial pod population and be patient until you find a mandrine that will eat frozen foods. They are a really cool peaceful fish. They are not fragile like most believe it is just there primary source of food is pods and not every one will learn or even attempt to eat anything else. Just be patient like I did until I found one that ate other foods. I have a mandrine in my 55 gallon that loves marine cuisine, frozen brine, and sweetwater zooplankton. Oh yeah and dont take the LFs word for it make them feed the fish in front of you so you can see for yourself that it is eating. Hope this helps.