Advice on live rock order


Active Member
I get my rock from the LFS. It cost more but I get to pic out each piece. I know it was in water at the store and has less than an hour out of water. There is only one downside to getting it from a store...cost. It's $6/pound. But I get what I want. Lets face it rock is a main attraction in the tank for a long time.

jonny bolt

Originally Posted by DEA_MT
i wouldn't purchase from an online vendor that doesn't send overnight. SWF does it for free!!!
No such thing as "Free Shipping" when it comes to shipping pounds of rocks lol, its built into the price. Large companies that ship alot of weight have "agreements" with shipping companies and can offer lower rates. However, most companies do not pass this savings on to customers. "Free Shipping" is a myth in pretty much every business, but especially in this one. Would you throw 50 pounds of pet rocks in a box lol, then send it to me for free? Absolutely not. You'd mark the price of the rock up 30 or 40 bux, then tell me it was "Free Shippin'".
The only way we get "Free Shipping", is if FedEx messes up and your overnight shipment is delayed and you get it the 2nd day instead. This is what happened to me. I ordered 45 pounds of the best premium Fiji LR from the "Drs.", and FedEx was late. They footed the bill. So I got 45 pounds of ultra premium Fiji LR for $119.99, and it was still 90% covered in coraline algae when I got it. Thats real "free shippin'"

Pray for FedEx to be late!!!!!


I would complain to my credit card company for refund. You did not receive what you ordered. IMO that is fraud.


I paid with Paypal though, with a debit card.. so I dont think I can dispute it... Gary called me last night and had an attitude saying he wasnt going to do anything about it and it was up to me to file a claim w/ Fedex, but its been days they arent going to do anything about it. So I think im going to file a claim with PayPal and see where it goes from there. Hes a real A*SHOLE to treat his customers like this, and I am going to make sure that everyone on knows it to, so spread the word that his LR is garbage!


Why would you file with Fed-Ex? They were just doing what he told them to do, from what I have heard. Definately open a dispute with Paypal. Paypal IMO is an excellant company and will do what they can to try to help you. Please keep us informed!!!


Ok, so I waste all my time typing this huge complaint with paypal here is what I said.
I have a saltwater fish tank and I ordered five lbs of live rock rubble and fifteen lbs in two big chunks I paid $2.50 a lb for a total of 20 lbs. Just in case you do not know what makes it live and what live rock is here is some information for you. What makes it live are the many forms of micro and macroscopic marine life that live on and inside of it. The rock itself is only made up of the calcium carbonate skeletons of long dead corals, or other calcareous organisms. The purpose of the live rock is that it becomes the main biological nitrification base or biological filter of a saltwater aquarium, while at the same time enhances the look of the aquarium and provides shelter for the inhabitants. So, on 2-25-06 the rock arrived, and I opened the package and the live rock was totally dry and smelled rotten... not quite like the ocean, which is how it’s supposed to smell. When it smells rotten then you know that it has die off on it. The proper way to ship live rock is bagged (usually with multiple bags while soaked paper wrapped around it to keep the moisture in) It was shipped in a box which had a smaller box inside which was totally destroyed in transit so it bounced all around and I had probably a lb or more in crumbs which had broken off the rock, and because it broke out the bag it arrived like I said dry which killed all the marine life that was on it. I then emailed Gary to try to work this out and at first he seemed willing to cooperate. I was referred to Gary by a buddy of mine Brian who ordered from him and didn’t have a problem, so I rec’d a discounted price of $2.50 since that was what Brian paid. After rec’ing an email from Gary thinking he was going to work this out he then decided that he didn’t make money on the deal so he wasn’t going to compensate me for the garbage that I rec’d and is now saying that it was $2.50 a lb for the rubble only not the large pieces but he completed the sale at that price and sent me large pieces so I should still be compensated in my eyes, so I am hoping that you guys can help me out with this situation I have gotten myself into.
and so I finish hit submit and heres what I get in response from PayPal.
Thank you for filing a buyer complaint.
Unfortunately, this complaint has been closed because it does not meet PayPal's complaint policy guidelines. However, your complaint has been noted in the record of the PayPal member whom you reported.
We encourage you to continue to work directly with your seller, as we have found that many misunderstandings reach amicable solutions through communication.
To learn more about PayPal's complaint policy guidelines, please go to the 'Help' link of the PayPal website and click on the Protection Policies category link.


Wow I am really worried now. I purchased 25 lbs of Cured Carib Live Rock from the same person that everyone is complaining about and am feeling like a chump. I ordered Sunday afternoon and it was supposed to be delivered already but of course has not been. Unfortunately for me I read this forum 3 days too late I think. I already emailed Gary and have not received a reply yet. I also tried to call him but had to leave a message. I sure hope that when/if my rock arrives that there isn't one of those nasty looking worms in it. I am a new
90 gal tank owner and am looking for any :help: and all pointers for a reef tank.
Thanks, Tom


I'm really sorry i referred people to him, i guess my experiences were totally different than everyonee elses...

And just so you know, i dont know if i was clear. but the price i got ($2.50 / lb) was only for the rubble his regular price is $3.50/lb and he does sales every so often for $3/lb. I hope everything works out for you.
From now on, i'll reserve my judgement on gary after seeing the experiences of others. Maybe i had a one in a thousand deal with him, idk.



Yea, NY you must have gotten Lucky.. I'd pass it on that this guy is a real jerk.. and not reccomend him anymore to anyone.. Because of how he has treated me I am hoping to spread the word on how big of a jerk he is.


Originally Posted by tomlpd
Wow I am really worried now. I purchased 25 lbs of Cured Carib Live Rock from the same person that everyone is complaining about and am feeling like a chump. I ordered Sunday afternoon and it was supposed to be delivered already but of course has not been. Unfortunately for me I read this forum 3 days too late I think. I already emailed Gary and have not received a reply yet. I also tried to call him but had to leave a message. I sure hope that when/if my rock arrives that there isn't one of those nasty looking worms in it. I am a new
90 gal tank owner and am looking for any :help: and all pointers for a reef tank.
Thanks, Tom
GOod luck..
if you have anything in your tank at all DO NOT put the live rock in it.. actually even if you dont I would reccomend keeping it in a bucket for a WHILE.. I have had mine in a bucket since the 25th and have to change the water every day.. usually twice a day.. and I made the mistake at first of having it in my living room.. and it stunk up the entire house because it is ROTTEN... I hope yours comes in better shape then both mine and Loretta's.


Hey N_Sarno does your debit cad have a visa or mastecard logo on it. If so call the number on the backed becuase you can still do a chargeback! Those logos mean that even though it is a debit card it is still backed by visa or master card! I've done a chargeback with my debit once.
I wouldn't give so many details about how he charges 3.50 but you only paid 2.50. Plane and simply put, you ordered live rock that was supposed to be shipped in 2-3 days, instead it went out 5 days ground. It was packed improperly so much of it was broken. The wet live rock you ordered was dead and dry when it arrived!
Assuming you have one of those logos on your debit - your bank will treat you much nicer then pay pal - after all you are your banks customer where as this guy is pay pals customer. If you do not have those logos on your card I would try calling the bank anyway and seeing if they could reverse the charges - they might not but it cant hurt!


New Member
I did receive several emails back from Gary about my order. He he did offer to send me some extra rock at first but I guess because I didn't feel like I got the type of apology I wanted, I told him simply "No Thanks". I wasn't just trying to get some free rock out of the deal, I was dissapointed in the service.
This guy emailed me several times, up until about 2 a.m. and I'm pretty sure he wasn't going to be able to sleep with it in his head that I didn't get great live rock and was still disappointed. I seriously think he had to feel he did right by me before he could let it go because as far as I was concerned, I was done with the deal when I said "no thanks" and I let him know I was done. He basically ended by apologizing and telling me he was going to send me more rock anyway.
So, for me....I'm satisfied. I feel like he made things right with me.
P.S. Tom, I would ask him to send you the tracking ID number and check on to see where your package is and when it will get to you.


You guys,
Gary just called me and appoligized and said he will file the claim with fedex and said he is shipping me replacement rock with extra bags and extra extra wet newspaper on monday!
Maybe hes not so bad after all... maybe just a bad week for him, and Loretta, I'm not after free LR either however I am 18 and this hobby is VERY expensive so I just expected to get what I paid for, and since I didnt I felt I should be compensated.


New Member
That's great, Nick! I wasn't implying you were trying to get free live rock. I was making the point that I didn't want Gary to think that I was just trying to get free rock.
This hobby is very expensive regardless of age. (Hey you aren't trying to say I'm old are you?) lol I get what you're saying though.


I know you werent trying to say I am attempting to get live rock.. I was just agreeing with you and saying it wasnt my intention either, however, im not complaining about it.
And of course I am not implying that you are old, however you have revealed that you are married and you i would imagine have a home/apartment (since you have a decent size tank) with your husband therefore you probably have more funds available then someone of my age does :hilarious
Glad we both got this worked out.. but I guess I can't say its over yet.. Im just waiting to see what I rec'. If its crap, I'm just going to take it right back to the Fedex facility and be like wrong address and send that crap back to him! I'm pretty sure he isnt going to be that foolish though

and Loretta... check your email.. I got a message from Gary he wanted me to send to you.


Well I finally received my "live" rock today, Friday March 3rd. My order was on February 26th and as expected it took him five days to ship it by ground. The box arrived in great shape and the rock size was actually pretty nice but the smell about knocked me over. The rock is definately not cured as stated and there was substantional die-off. I also had a hitchhiker worm that was about a foot and a half or so long, dead. I plan on e-mailing him and telling him about my order but dont expect anything to be done. What good would another batch of dead live smelly rock do me? Live and learn I guess. I now know that this message boad is full of helpfull information and just wish that I had found it a week ago. My tank appears to be doing very good
after only two weeks so I am happy and look forward to many enjoyable years to come.