hey all, so i went to my LFS this past weekend and they had a flower pot coral that was as big as a grapefruit before any polyps came out, fully expanded/open it is massive so i picked that up for $50 !!!! and it is the brightest green i have ever seen for flower pots. and also, i picked up a green torch coral that has 3 heads that are almost fully split into 3 head each! so this is a massive torch coral for $65. anyways just wondering if there is any advice for these for me? my flower pots are doing great i have them mid tank kinda mid flow and they are perfect. however my torch seemed to be doing great the first 2 days, and yesterday one of the heads just kinda closed and doesnt look all that healthy..its not white or anything, jus wondering any ideas? i put it at the bottom of my tank its not in a TON of flow but its getting some..i cant really help that in my tank. it is in direct light im not sure if its not getting enough or what? my water parameters are great,everything else in my tank is great im just not sure if i have this placed wrong or if its not enough light etc.. i have power compacts on a 90 gallon all glass tank. i will post pics up as soon as i get a chance any advice on how to manage torch corals would be great.