Advice on Saltwater Tank/Nitrogen Cycle!


Active Member
So do any of you ned a good morning cigarette from last night. BTW...... USC is the best school. Yes..... I'm a Trojen Man!!!


HAHAHAHA College debate now are we? I am fine with USC.. as long as you werent a close rival.. ill be ok :p like LSU, Ohio, Alabama, etc....
We beat Texas A&M yesterday :)


Active Member
yes..... yes ya'll did.
sorry for the delay.... getting water ready for a water change.... my lil ocean on the stand needs to be replenished. My fish kids know its coming too, they are swimming by the bucket just checkin it out. lil punk rocker, and rasta mon.


I miss college. I JUST graduated last semester from Pitt, and I miss it so much.
But yes, thanks for hijacking this thread haha.
that worm story is nuts. RIP your little fish.
I will keep mine in there for now, so i have something to look at while im waiting for this cycle to complete.
Should I change some of the water anytime soon???


Active Member
i would leave it alone untill the nitrites go to zeor.then a 10%-15% water change.then its critter then with the new tank algae bloom you will want some snails in there to help out.


Thanks Jeff. Hopefully by next weekend I can add some clean up critters if the numbers go down!


Active Member
Originally Posted by artemK http:///t/388177/advice-on-saltwater-tank-nitrogen-cycle/60#post_3422560
I miss college. I JUST graduated last semester from Pitt, and I miss it so much.
But yes, thanks for hijacking this thread haha.
that worm story is nuts. RIP your little fish.
I will keep mine in there for now, so i have something to look at while im waiting for this cycle to complete.
Should I change some of the water anytime soon???
It's funny really, all day I have been keeping an eye on one of my pipefish, dying, and have been keeping the hermits away. An hour later I look and there is a bristle worm wrapped around it, the pipe had already died and the worm was doing it's job. I did indeed tho remove the pipefish and gave the bristle worm a piece of mysis in trade. Took it right from my hand too. The moral of this sad story..... most of everything in your set up is there for a reason. The worms are indeed good to have but like stated ealier, keep them in check.


Active Member
i rarely have seen a scavenger get on something if it was healthy.i dont know if the coral beauty was sick but .i would think a healthy fish would have no problem shaking off a worm.i tried to catch mine a couple times .but he is way too fast for i said pretty sure my cbs got him.


Few updates!
I have tested my levels and they have been the same for about 4 days now.
Yesterdays reading:
Ammonia: 0
pH: 8.4
Salinity: 1.024 ---- 32
NItrate: 5
Nitrite: 0
Temperature 74-76 (Is that bad that it fluctuates like that) maybe I should get a better thermometer thats digital. I have a magnetic strip right now...
Todays Readings:
Ammonia: 0
pH: 8.4
Salinity: 1.022 ---- 30 (Is that too low?)
NItrate: 5
Nitrite: 0
Temperature 74-76
I am thinking in the next few days, I was going to pick up some CUC members and add them in the tank. Too soon?


Active Member
if you are using a hydrometer then 1.024-1.022 probably is the same they are not accurate.get a refractor for $60 you will be amazed how nice they are.
looks like the tank is cycled to me especially with the nitrate reading.i would get a half dozen snails this weekend if i were you.
then in a week get a couple small fish.
lookin good my friend


I didn't get that Ammonia spike people talk about when cycling. I think its because I added Bio-Spira Start Up Nitrifying Bacteria, so it definitely helped me with my cycle and got my levels right.
I also have a few questions. I have a very standard hood (incandescent lights 2, 15W each). Every morning when I wake up, the hood has lots of water drops from the temperature outside the tank vs inside the tank. I am starting to get worried in terms of a safety hazard...water and electricity aren't the best of friends. Do you think I am over reacting, or should I get some other lights for my tank??
Having a 14G tank, do you think getting 6 snails is ok? Also, should I get a variety of CUC members that can clean the sand and algae??
In terms of fish, I was thinking of a few different kinds. I would like to have maybe total of 4 small fish. 2 clownfish, because its a great beginner fish and they are very active, and 2 more smaller fish. Not sure what else to get, but I will do some research and see what clowns are compatible with.
Thanks guys for the help so far! I will post some pictures of the lights to show you what I was talking about.


Active Member
Goodmorning! I believe 6 snails would be good. With your hood, your going to get some water on the inside top. The water evaporates in the tank and the droplets have no where to go. I would recommend making a net lid for it or maybe screw some small holes in the front of the lid so the water evaporates. What is the temp of your water?


Goodmorning! My temperature reads in between 74/76 everyday.
What kind of light fixture would you suggest to get?


Well-Known Member
Henry - Not if it's freshwater evap. If it's indeed saltwater spray it would.
If your worried about it now, take some aquarium grade silicone and silicone the bulbs into the socket. Just don't get any silicone on the very tip of the bulb or way down in the socket and it will create a tight enough seal. Also silicone any parts that look electrical that might be exposed. I've been doing that for years. lol.
It would be better to get a different open top light fixture in the long run, however.