Advice on temp control


I am trying to keep my tank (a 7 gallon kreisel tank) at 76*, but with this hot summer so far, it has been very difficult. I already moved it to a cooler room in my house, but it still gets up to 79*, give or take. I do not have money for one of those expensive chillers. I have tried the ice cubes in a zip lock bag method and it does work, but I do not like those temp swings, I know they are not good for my clown.
Does anyone have any good advice or a DIY experience on how to keep a small tank cool?

bang guy

If it's in a cool room simply point a small fan at the tank. This will continually blow away the pocket of warm air around the tank and cool it.
If your temperature is still fluctuating then set your heater higher.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/392223/advice-on-temp-control#post_3481479
If it's in a cool room simply point a small fan at the tank. This will continually blow away the pocket of warm air around the tank and cool it.
If your temperature is still fluctuating then set your heater higher.
Hi Bang Guy,
The tank is in a "cooler" room than before, but it is not really that cool. By fluctuations, I meant between 76* and 79*. Using ice (in a zip lock bag), I get the temp down to *76, but if I let it go to long, the temp goes back up. And all this is with a fan blowing on the tank already

bang guy

IMO 81F - 86F is optimal for Ocellaris. They can handle a very wide range as long as it doesn't fluctuate rapidly.
What species of Clownfish are you keeping?