Advice wanted...devistating loss.


New Member
150 gallon tank with two clown fish, sand sifting goby, black cap basslet, Huma Huma Trigger, Naso Tang. All were fine, doing great for YEARS! Decided to add a dog face puffer last weekend and within a week we have lost all of our fish except our Trigger. But even he doesnt look so great today.
I have been doing this for five years and our water peram's were perfect, ) nitrates, 0 nitrites, 0 amonina. Lots of water filtration with Tunzi, bac pack skimmer, and emp 400 filter. Temp is fine and heater is working properly.
No signs of ick, brook, HLLE, ect. I did see our fish look like they had pop eye. Which I treated with antibiotic. Didn't help. Our fish are up, swimming, eating and acting normal and then on the ground gasping and dead the following morning.
I have one fish left, our trigger but suspect if the week continues to go like it has been, he will be gone by morning.
Want to re stock fish tank but wondering if I have to completely restart from scratch, with a recycle, sand ect.... or if I can remove water, add new, refresh filters (not bio wheels) and restock. This is the first time we have had this major of a loss. And want to start over....any suggestions would be appreciated.


Active Member
To me for things to happen that quickly points to a water problem. Any cleaning chemicals, painting, gas fireplace running etc. that could have introduced something inadvertently into the water?


New Member
Nope, haven't painted, no fireplace, and I am a freak about chemicals. So nothings been in it. Our water perams are excellent. Only thing that changed in the last five years was the addition of puffer 7 days ago


Active Member
Good catch Lois.
Balley, did you treat the display tank with the anitbiotic? If so you may have killed off you biofiltraction bacteria, causing an ammonia spike that got your fish.


Active Member
+1 i dont think the new fish brought in something that would kill the whole tank off that fast.deffinitly seems like a chemical got in there.
got any kids in the house?


Active Member
This IMO is your problem. You should not put any antibacteria additive in your tank. I believe you effectively killed your biological filtration.


New Member
If this would have killed my biofiltration and caused a spike then why are my params normal still?