

I am new to this website as well as saltwater tanks. I've had a 40G tank for about a month now (salinity 1.023; Ammonia, Nitrites 0; Nitrates 5, Temp. around 80F). I recently bought my first fish (yellow watchman goby & 2 peppermint shrimp). I have noticed that I have A LOT of copepods floating around. Will my inhabitants eat those at all? And other than the mandarin dragonet that eats them, are there other, easier to keep fish that will help eat those?

bang guy

Typically a Watchman is looking for bigger prey such as Amphipods. Pretty much any fish with a small mouth will enjoy eating copepods. Some of the easier to keep fish would be Neon Gobies, Clown Gobies, Barnacle Blenny. The Barnacle Blenny would be a fun to watch low impact fish.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Typically a Watchman is lookling for bigger prey such as Amphipods. Pretty much any fish with a small mouth will enjoy eating copepods. Some of the easier to keep fish would be Neon Gobies, Clown Gobies, Barnacle Blenny. The Barnacle Blenny would be a fun to watch low impact fish.
Agreed. Also - if you just want some schooling fish that stay small and are fun to watch, get 3 or 6 blue reef chromis. They'll eat the pods as well...


Thanks for the help! I will definitely look into getting some of those reef chromis in the future. I am also buying 2 tank-raised clownfish this Friday. Wish me luck!


First and foremost. Welcome to the boards and the hobby.
Good Luck!! (as requested
Most hobbyists are trying to figure out ways to keep more pods (free fish food), so I would not worry too much about it.
Once the tank is stocked, you will look back and say. Where did all my pods go
, I want more pods.


Yesterday I purchased 2 clownfish; they look very cute but they're staying in one corner of the aquarium all the time. I've seen them eating flakes floating by that I put in there this morning and that's a good sign, I suppose. I also received my new Koralia 3 circulation pump and installed it. Could the current be too strong or am I just paranoid and should let them get used to the new environment? At least they're still alive. I was so worried about that last night; I got up at 5:30am on a Saturday morning to check on them, lol!



I moved and directed the current more towards the top of the tank and they are both exploring the tank now and I've even seen them eat copepods. They seem happy so I'm not going to worry about it anymore. Phew!