Advise on temps for snails to be comfortable


I am trying to determine if my tank gets too warm in the summer for snails. I have been losing alot this year and am concerned. Tank is 79-80 degrees all summer. What is the ideal temp for Nerites, Turbos, Cerith and Nassarius? Is it chiller time?


My tank runs 80-82 in the summer......I think the margaritas are cold water snails though...I have turbos, nerites, nassarius, cerith, trochus, astrea....I'm probably forgetting someone....LOL....but you get the point
they have snails in the the ones you mentioned should be ok

bang guy

I actually depends completely on the individual species. I can give a general guide for the ideal temperature for most of the Genus but at the species level you rellay need to be specific.
Nerites: Generally 75 - 85F
Turbos (Astrea): Generally 75 - 85F (Turbin): 60 - 80F
Cerith: 75 - 90F
Nassarius: 80 - 90F (This does not incluse Ilanassa sp. which are temperate (60 - 80F)

bang guy

There are almost as many cold water snails as tropical. Like I mentioned, each Genus covers a HUGE variety of environments. Got a specific environment in mind?
Pteropods thrive at temps between 28F and 35F. Is that what you mean by cold water?