advise on what to do


i picked up a used 55g, tank stand filet and skimmer for $75.....
the filter is a AC 300, but i think im missing parts on it. on the impeller, there is nothing above it to hold it in place and it keeps popping up and getting jammed. and it maked a horrid noise....
the skimmer is a ViveAqua, it also needs some TLC, its full of these white dead worms stuck to the side, and it makes stupid amounts of noise from the air going thru the pump. and the connector from the motor/intake leaks water...
should i try fixing these or should i buy new? there is a store out here that has 3 of the ViaAqua's that they are parting out.


Active Member
You can fix them if you want, your LFS should be able to get or have the parts for the AC300, you may want to just replace it though. It may not be much difference in price. I would see how much the part is first. The skimmer should be able to be fixed if you wanted, it still may be noisy though. All venturi style skimmers have air suction noise, some more than others.


Active Member
i would toss them. they are sub par in quality and IMO not worth the repair unless you are really straped for cash


if the ViaAqua is a decent skimmer i will prolly keep it, if not i will prolly buy a coralife SS....
i have an extra emperor 280, think i could replace the AC with that? im not very font of the emperor, i didnt feel it did a good job on my cichlid tank, i had problems with ammonia. it now has 2 rena xp3's : )
i got about $325 left to spend on the tank, it aint much..... but im trying to do little by little as money comes in.
are glass tops needed for the tank, i realized when i brought it home it had no glass tops. its some kind off off brand tank, i cant find glass tops for it.


Originally Posted by trippkid
What are you planning on keeping in this tank?

not totally shure,
i want it to be a reef, with an anemone and a percula clown..
maybe a yellow tang and some blue damsils.
those are not set is stone yet, im not shure how compatable they all are.


Active Member
I'd say you need to figure that out first, before spending any more $. What you have listed should be compatible, the tang will get mixed reactions from others, they should have a roomy tank. Anenomes need strong light, T5 or MH(MH being optimal). Live rock will cost alot, sand, powerheads, sump, return pump(or some other type of filtration HOB). All of this stuff needs to be figured out before you start. You will end up spending a whole lot more if you don't have some kind of plan to work with. If this is your first SW tank, even if it isn't, I would recommend buying some books for reference, that is probably what I would spend $ next, maybe to give you a better idea of what you want and how to go about it.


Originally Posted by trippkid
I'd say you need to figure that out first, before spending any more $. What you have listed should be compatible, the tang will get mixed reactions from others, they should have a roomy tank. Anenomes need strong light, T5 or MH(MH being optimal). Live rock will cost alot, sand, powerheads, sump, return pump(or some other type of filtration HOB). All of this stuff needs to be figured out before you start. You will end up spending a whole lot more if you don't have some kind of plan to work with. If this is your first SW tank, even if it isn't, I would recommend buying some books for reference, that is probably what I would spend $ next, maybe to give you a better idea of what you want and how to go about it.

well i just picked up a coralife SS 125 for $80
and im just going to use my emperor 180
im not set on having anemones, i would just like to have some live inverts in the tank. and with my coralife light fixture, i should be able to keep most inverts. its got 2 actinic bulbs, and 2 daylight, both 65w.


Active Member

The next thing you will need is your live rock(LR), live sand(LS), and salts with test kits. Go to the 1st post on this forum and read about how to cycle your tank. You will have plenty of time to reaserch what you want to add while your tank is cycling
You can also use base rock and sand with some live added on top to seed the base to save some money.
A good book most on here reccomend is " THE CONSCIENTIOUS MARINE AQUARIST", By Robert M. Fenner. this will help you understand A lot of what people on here will tell you.
Good Luck and remember to go slow


well before i buy that stuff, and set it all up, im still trying to figure out what kind of water can be used....
the fish store 3min down the street sells it for $.49 a gallon, but i have no idea how to get 55g back here without making 20 trips
im not shure the price of distilled water from giant eagle
tap water, i hear some people have no probs and some people do.
im going to test the nitrates and the phosphates(need to get a kit for this) and see if i can even do it.
how many lbs of LS and LR you guys recommend, if im going to use part ls and part reg sand, how much of each should i have.
thanks for the help.


also, will i need to have power-heads right away?
or will the LR and stuff be ok for a week or so
what size & brand are recomended and how many?


Active Member
Originally Posted by butters
well before i buy that stuff, and set it all up, im still trying to figure out what kind of water can be used....
the fish store 3min down the street sells it for $.49 a gallon, but i have no idea how to get 55g back here without making 20 trips
im not shure the price of distilled water from giant eagle
tap water, i hear some people have no probs and some people do.
im going to test the nitrates and the phosphates(need to get a kit for this) and see if i can even do it.
how many lbs of LS and LR you guys recommend, if im going to use part ls and part reg sand, how much of each should i have.
thanks for the help.
Rule of thumb on lr is 1-1 1/2 lbs per gal. I did same for sand. You can add all base sand and most base rock and get a couple of really good cured live rock and in a few weeks the bacteria will be on all and a few months and the rest will slowly multiple and seed all to live. You could also get a cup of live sand from an established tank and add good critters to yours that way.
You can get ro/di water from walmart for 33cents a gal. They have the 5gallon buckets there. If your tap test good make sure you check for metals also.


Whats the ABSOLUTE Min. LR I can have in my tank???
I can't afford to put that much in my tank when its $5 a Lb.
At any of my local fish stores I haven't seen any reef rock thats not live.


Active Member
You can have as much or as little as you want, you just won't be using it as your main filtration, so you will need to upgrade you filter(s). I'd say 1lb. min though, I know the stuff is expensive, see if your LFS can get Reef rocks from Carib Sea, it is dry rock, it is like $50 for a 50lbs. box, then maybe get 20 or 25lbs. of the best live rock you can find. Sorry I didn't recommend any books to you, the one suggested is very good and will help you alot. Some other good ones: "A Guide To Corals For The Mini-Reef Aquarium"; "Algae-A Problem Solver Guide"; "Corals: A Quick Reference Guide"; "Marine Aquarium Handbook"; "The Reef Tank Owner's Manual" to list a few of the cheaper ones.
Take your time and read up it will help you now and in the future.


Active Member
As far as PH's, I use MaxiJets, I have heard very good things about the Hydor Koralia pumps. I would use at least two PH's. And, definately use RO or RO/DI(even better) for all top offs and water changes. There are too many contaminates in Tap to take a chance, some you can't test for. Distilled may contain small traces of copper from the use of copper tubing in the process. I'd make the sacrifice and buy the RO/DI water, or when you have the $ buy your own system to make the water, it is much cheaper in the long run.


allright, i got the tank filled
got the salt mixed to 1.022
and added 40lbs of sand, and 20lbs of live sand on top of that.
i also picked up 12 lbs of rock....
and i sold some stuff, so im going to order a hydor powerhead. would it be better to buy two smaller one than one bigger one?
hydor 600 gph
SS 500gph
emperor filter 280gph
total of 1380gph. that means its circulated 25 times an hr


Active Member
Two smaller ones, would probably be better. You should definately have enough flow, maybe too much for some LPS and softies. You'll just have to play around with the currents some.


allright, i picked up 30lb of base rock, and so-far i got 6lb(lol) of LR
im going to pick up $50 today, and get the 2 lights i need for my coralife compact.
but the main thing i made this post for, is
the 2 LR's i bought, both have what i belive to be, anemones on them.
they are in little crevices on the top of the rocks.they have clear tubes(about 1/4in long) and pink tips. orange base
i tried to take a pic, but my camera wont taker a clear picture.
they are both on the tops of the LR i bought, and i really dont think its dumb luck that i positioned the rock that way.
what can i do to keep them alive? and what exactly are they? pink tip haitain?
my Ammonia is . 25
nitrate:45 or so on the high range.


Active Member
Without a pic might be hard to tell, I'm betting it is probably Apatasia or Majano, most people would consider them pests and usually kill them. It may not be, but it is common for those to be on live rock.