advise on what to do


here i found this in the hitchhiker thread

but the post says
"This, I learned from Bang Guy is a "carribean mushroom", but thanks to my search engine the only info I could find were all about mushrooms that go into cooking recipes...unless... :thinking:...naaaah, couldn't be..."
but the stuff i have looks exactly like that


Active Member
I used to have them in a different tank awile back, I was never able to get a real name, but I did have a book at one time with them in and the caption called it a "star coral", not galaxy or GSP's. It is some kind of LPS, a dendro of some type I think. You can feed them, or just let them catch food when you feed your fish. I kept them under everything from PC's to MH's didn't seem to mind. I don't think they are photosynthetic, so lighting shouldn't really matter.


what does it mean when they suck back in? does that mean they cought something and sucked in to eat it?
i also have some small stems with a very fine hair on top.
and another anemone looking thing, in the shape of a mouth and pointed tubes, im looking to see what it is now


are actinic light meant to be turned off at night?
from what i can find, i think they are?
im also going to look for lunar lights at the lfs.


now that its night, i have my lights turned off for prolly an hour now.
so i turned my bedroom lights on and there are dozens of these on one of my rocks
they look like a umbrealla turned inside out, made of bunch of thin "tentacles" and are a light brown in color. with a very thick stem
i dont think its a majano, there is no green on them


allright, i figured out they are aiptasia, will a peppermint shrimp be ok in a tank thats cycling?
or should i stick to joes juice and such?


Active Member
I'd say the "juice" or just boiling water and injecting them with it, that is if you would have access to the needle and syringe. If you have a lot of them, it is easier to take rock(s) out of tank and put into a smaller container with tank water and kill them there, that way you can really check out the whole rock. And, it is easier to suck them out with a turkey baster too. Good luck, they can be a real pain in the butt. You may have to try a couple of times.


well here is an update
i got the skimmer working properly, had to replace an o-ring that seal the impeller area. it started spewing bubbles out of it lol
i got the diffuser working, i put the white polishing cloth at the bottom, the AC300 filter on top of that, followed by the SS filter on top of that. that fixed the micro bubble problem.
i also picked up some joe's juice for that AIP.

mysterious anemone on the right side of the middle


ive got some green algea growting on the top of my PH(top right, the big --- thing)
will 2 hydor #2 PH's be enough water movement for this tank?
600gph each
ooh yea, on the base rock i have in there, im getting a clearish/white layer of something forming on it.... if i scrape it off, it will come off in a sheet. there are patches of it on all the BR. what is it?


Active Member
Glad to see you got things going. I like the posters in the background. I used to have a CBR900RR.
I miss it sometimes, now I am being a kid again doing the dirt thing, there's really nothing like thrashing a dirt bike. Those little things look maybe like a small mushroom or something. Keep an eye on those. Hope everything goes well for you, keep it slow and you should do fine.


at night their tentacles elongate, they all suck in during the day.
yea i got a DB and 3 Sport quads, love em.
any idea whate the clearish/white stuff is?


Active Member
Hard to tell from pic, sponges can be as you described, they usually grow out of the light though. Bacteria blooms, or maybe some type of fungus. I would try and suck it out during water change or you could just use a turkey baster in between WC if you need to. A sponge should stay attached to the rock, bacteria should come off easily.


would my PC be enough for aneneomes and zoos and all that stuff.... i dont want coral.
they are 10,000k daylight bulbs and actinic bulbs..... 2 of each...


Active Member
I would say no to anenomes,clams, and sps. You should do ok with most lps(hammers,bubbles,brains,candy canes to name a few), and shrooms,zoa's,polyps, and maybe some leathers. Some have good results with the harder stuff with T5's, I don't have them, so I can't really say yes they will work for everything. If you do get some of the more light demanding stuff, you will need to place it closer to your lights(up higher in the tank), most of the time it still is not enough for them to thrive,even survive(sps,clams,anenomes).


Active Member
I know, it is rediculous, they get you on both ends too. Electricity to run everything just keeps going up also. I feel you man.



well i been doing alot of research, and ive come to the conclusion 220w of light will be sufficient for a LTA or a BTA sabea. im pulling 240w(ireplaced my burnt out bulbs with 55w newtek bulbs) i see the FAQ websites are giving out that info for a min amount of lite.
i figure ill give a BTA a shot when my tanks getts set and ready.... if it dont work i can return it to the LFS. they also beleive it will be ok in my tank.
what are actiinic bulbs for?
would it help at all if i put in 4 10,000k 65w bulbs??? or 2 50/50 bulbs in the back?


Active Member
As far as bulbs, you could run all 10K if you wanted, that would be the brightest and there is plenty of blue in the spectrum, even though it looks white. Actinics provide the correct spectrum of light for proper photosynthesis of symbiotic algae in corals. That being said, there is enough of the blue in the 10K and higher bulbs for inverts, and it mainly is an issue of how blue you want your tank to look. 2 10K and 2 50/50 should look pretty good with good intensity also.


Originally Posted by butters
if the ViaAqua is a decent skimmer i will prolly keep it, if not i will prolly buy a coralife SS....
i have an extra emperor 280, think i could replace the AC with that? im not very font of the emperor, i didnt feel it did a good job on my cichlid tank, i had problems with ammonia. it now has 2 rena xp3's : )
i got about $325 left to spend on the tank, it aint much..... but im trying to do little by little as money comes in.
are glass tops needed for the tank, i realized when i brought it home it had no glass tops. its some kind off off brand tank, i cant find glass tops for it.
If it were me, I'd leave the top open and put some nice lights above the tank. You can get that nice ocean flicker! Glass top = heat.


Originally Posted by butters
Whats the ABSOLUTE Min. LR I can have in my tank???
I can't afford to put that much in my tank when its $5 a Lb.
At any of my local fish stores I haven't seen any reef rock thats not live.
If your having problems coming up with cash for live rock, I would recommend saving up money for a while. $5.00 a pound is pretty cheap around these parts. While your doing that, read, read and read more. It will save you tons of money and time later on. It took me two years of reading and saving to decide what I wanted to do. I think you will be happier in the end.