African Blue Zoas For Sale


Active Member

Originally Posted by GrouperGenius more for sale??

No more, Sorry

Everyone that I have shown them to has not seen that particular African before. They are absolutly amazing. It has a blue center with an aqua ring. When my colony grows out I'll offer them again.


Not to be mean but to those who weren't fast enough..........
And now I will apologize for being immature because Karma is a _____!!!
So sorry


Active Member
Originally Posted by smartorl
Not to be mean but to those who weren't fast enough..........
And now I will apologize for being immature because Karma is a _____!!!
So sorry
amen to that.


In hindsight, I should have waited until the carrier placed the box gently into my hands before doing the "happy dance"


Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
amen to that.

Jeff you got any pics of yours, ohh thats right your camera is broke. How are the acro frags doing that you picked up..That emerald green loripes and yellow milli are one of my favorites....


Active Member
Originally Posted by smartorl
Not to be mean but to those who weren't fast enough..........
And now I will apologize for being immature because Karma is a _____!!!
So sorry
Yea Julie that was pretty fast......


Active Member

Originally Posted by efishnsea
No more, Sorry

Everyone that I have shown them to has not seen that particular African before. They are absolutly amazing. It has a blue center with an aqua ring. When my colony grows out I'll offer them again.

I wasn't referring to only the African Blues.
I know you had some others (Zoas) for sale as well. And I have seen pics of your other frags and they seemed to be of good quality. Oh well, maybe some other time.


Originally Posted by efishnsea
Hi Eric
They are shipping today you will have them tomorrow by 10:30am. I sent you the tracking # via email.
Thanks Again
Hey James
Got the email...thanks. Now I'm going to be worried all day at work until I can get them home into the tank...can't wait.


Active Member
Originally Posted by estein02
Hey James
Got the email...thanks. Now I'm going to be worried all day at work until I can get them home into the tank...can't wait.
They will be some pics when they open up...I submitted them to a zoanthid identification website. I couldnt find them anywhere and no one I have talked to has seen that type of blue before. I named them "Blue Halo" I let you know if they are accepted.


Originally Posted by efishnsea
They will be some pics when they open up...I submitted them to a zoanthid identification website. I couldnt find them anywhere and no one I have talked to has seen that type of blue before. I named them "Blue Halo" I let you know if they are accepted.
Keep us updated I would like to see what happens. Do you have a link now of where they are submitted?
I should be getting mine shortly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by efishnsea
Jeff you got any pics of yours, ohh thats right your camera is broke. How are the acro frags doing that you picked up..That emerald green loripes and yellow milli are one of my favorites....
the "blue halos" are about half open. the acros are doing ok. the pink milli is open. the yellow one hasn't opend up yet. the other two.....the plating one (i think the loripes) has bright green tips w/white polyps in my tank, and the other yellow one has red tips and neon green polyps. i'll try and get some pics for you


Originally Posted by efishnsea
They will be some pics when they open up...I submitted them to a zoanthid identification website. I couldnt find them anywhere and no one I have talked to has seen that type of blue before. I named them "Blue Halo" I let you know if they are accepted.
Got em in my tank about an hour ago...some of the pinks are flirting with opening, but none have opened yet. They all look long does it usually take for them to open after being shipped?


Active Member
Originally Posted by estein02
Got em in my tank about an hour ago...some of the pinks are flirting with opening, but none have opened yet. They all look long does it usually take for them to open after being shipped?
You should see some life within a few hours if not sooner, keep me posted as well as some pics.


Efishnsea check out the RARE MINI BLUE GREENS from Zoafrags on egay they look similar to the Blue Halo's.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brstwv
Efishnsea check out the RARE MINI BLUE GREENS from Zoafrags on egay they look similar to the Blue Halo's.
Yea similar, but mine do not have any green and are not a mini polyp. BTW how are your zoas doing, got any pics


I had a couple of mine starting to peek out last night.
Hopefully when I get home tonight they will all have opened up.


Active Member
James...everything looks good........ This is the best pic I can get of the blues.... My photograpy skills are not up to par........ I must have taken 50 pics,and this is the best one....
Anyway...all looks great in person.