Age of Empires III


New Member
It's called taking turns!

But do you get the objective of the game? Do you know that you can automate workers to do improvements for you?


Staff member
Taking turns with my characters? I though taking turns meant the other civs did their thing, like move in on my turf, etc.
Not that the computer decided which one of my men to move.
I'm really just learning this game, and there is not much help with the basics in the long-winded manual supplied with the game.


New Member
If you tell a unit, say a warrior, to move to a certain spot on the map that takes more than one turn to get to, the computer will automatically follow the route you give it unless you break it off by selecting the unit and giving it other orders.
And if an action requires more than one turn to finish (i.e. workers making improvement) then the computer will automatically skip the turn.
In the case you have more than one unit, the computer will focus on one at a time and you can jump between among them by pressing the space bar. Alternatively you can to to select the unit manually and move that way.
If a unit is fortified, you have to wake it to use it.


New Member
when you first start out you probably have a settler and a warrior, right?
make sure you toggle on the resources on map so you know what spot is good for a city. once you find a good spot to build a city you should start building a worker. and use your warrior to explore.
when the worker is done. use him to make improvements around your city. a lot of the players, myself included, automate workers right away. a worker for a city is good way to go.
once your first city reaches size around 6 or so you can consider building another settler and send him out to establish a 2nd city. the way the game flows, it doesn't really allow you enough time to build more than 4-5 cities before your territory touches other nations'.
you should also be mindful that what constructions you build in the city will best help you maximize your objective for the city, be it for food, production, or other stuff


Staff member
Thanks. That is more helpful then anything I've looked at so far. I did not get much out of the turtorial. Is there any place online that just reviews the basics?


New Member
i think the game is so new there isn't much out there. a lot of it comes from playing the previous builds.
if you work on your 'culture' you can 'take over' cities from other nations. this occurs when your border expands and it overlaps with another nation's border. you can also take cities by force which is not easy in civ games.
i usually refuse proposals to open borders.


Active Member
I bough Age of Empires III a few days ago and it is incredible! Same great AI and feel as the others, and same great improvements that they make everytime they release a new one!!!
For instance, whenever you fire on building with seige weapons, the buildings crumble differently each is amazing.


Active Member
And your cannons don't kill your own units... big plus.
The biggest negative is that the AI still doesn't know how to gather resources properly or how to leave the coastline when your ships are shelling them.


Active Member
I used to HATE how seige weapons would damage your own military units. As you said, there are a few shortcomings in the AI.
My favorite to exploit is when all the enemy is massed, you can send in one fast unit to attack, and then flee when you get the enemies attention. Then use missile units to attack the enemy as you run in circles with your fast unit lol.


Staff member
Ok, well I got a new graphics card
and was able to get Civ4 up and running again. It is still really sluggish. It is an enjoyable game, but the sluggishness and then shut down as the civ gets larger, is a serious flaw in this game. Unless you have a brand new super machine with at least a gig of ram and a hot off the presses graphics card and a relatively updated sound card, then this game is going to give you problems.
What were the game makers thinking!? :thinking:
And I did finally figure things out to pretty much to make a "force to be reckoned with" civ.
One thing I do not like about this game is that items that you can get for your civ can mostly be unrelated to the civilization you have chose to be. But, heck, its only a game.

bang guy

Beth, What graphics card did you get? Someone gave me their old copy of Half-Life and I think I might have to upgrade.