Aggressive eel


Active Member
Originally Posted by the_fish
is it me or do you guys have a hard time understanding this?

I understand it just well as the other members who have posted in this thread, else they wouldnt have responded to his questions, suggestions, etc.
Not everyone is a perfect typist.


iam not flaming him or anything but i can not understand him very well.


Active Member
And that's fine...but, there's no reason to openly call him out on it.
Take a moment to re-read the post and I'm sure you'll be able to fully understand it.
I've been talking to this man for years and he happens to be a personal friend of mine...he is hard to understand at times, but if you just re-read things, it becomes quite clear.


the reason i say this is bc i know that he is very smart when it come to sw and i want to fully understand him but iam having a hard time doing so, but i understand and i will take the time to go and re-read his posts.


Fish, you are appearing in this thread quite rude in a sounding attitude for if there is something you care to be made more clearer, ask about it and not ramble as you done.
For I am always willing to take the time to assist anyone who wishes to have some views in which I may share. But you would need to be clear of what it be that you want to learn to understand.
Also lets do this, not to rob this thread from the person who started it, copy into wordpad what you wish to quote to me and type what is your question in it, by starting your own thread, this is just not too highjack this thread. :)


Hey DME. I've been totally stressing this eel thing lately. I figure to get the kind of eel I want I'm just going to need to trade in my 90gal reef for a 125+ gallon tank. So you don't need to call jeff anymore. Thanks for the offer though. I might get the spotted moray that my lfs has and I've been looking for an eel I've found a pic of online called the reticulate hookjaw eel (my avatar). Enchelycore lichenosa. Haven't had much luck finding a seller on this either, though I've got a guy looking for one. All the cool eels are hard to find.


Are you asking me a question? I would like to get a hookjaw yes. I was looking for acceptable eel tank mates for fish before. The eels I really want obviously won't work in community tanks. So I am going to get rid of my reef and set up a tank for eels.


WHat is it you are going to ask Jeff about? You really think he can find a reticulate moray? Man, I thought that was a pipedream.


let me tell you something of jeff, besides that he is so slow in finishing my reef tanks.
He is a person that would go out of his way for what he wanted to do most for not to long ago he bought a huge reef tank that will sit in the middle the floor in his store and the tank on both sides or oval shape/rounded and he not found one company inside the US that would do this, so he went to japan or rather called and now this tank sits in his store. Jeff is the only lfs that could get me what ever I want.
So in short to your question, I would have to say "YES" he could get the eel. But also when this works out for you, not let me down on not going to pick the eel up and when it is time before he have the eel, I will give to you better directions on getting to his store.
I only not know in how long this would take, so I hope your much patients for when he first got me my pair of dme, it took a year. For as well because of the cost of this, he had the people in the Hawaiians to make sure that they would ready accept foods.
So tell me your the patients to wait for a hookjaw or not?


Just get 20 Snowflake eels.
problem solved...
That is not what he wants silly :jumping:


Originally Posted by DME
That is not what he wants silly :jumping:
whoa...where did my post go???


I've already accepted that I will be hooked on saltwater fish for life.
So patience is no problem for me. I appreciate all your help. I've already taken apart my reef tank and begun work on an eel only tank. The only thing I need to make sure of before Jeff gets the eel is the price. As long as it isn't in the same ball park as a dragon eel, I will be ready and eager to buy it.


will be ready and eager to buy it.
I would say you are
So as soon as I hear you will know what it will be and i will ask him in how long he thinks it might take.


According to who, eels are the most hardiest marine species you hobbyists can ever keep.
I agree i had a small eel for a few months before i decided i wasnt ready for it. When i did have it my mom spilled bleach into the tank and my eel was the only one who lived.


WHat is it you are going to ask Jeff about? You really think he can find a reticulate moray? Man, I thought that was a pipedream.
Dear lord :hilarious What had I bend telling you? I will ask jeff of a price and how long he thinks it might take.


Originally Posted by rara12
According to who, eels are the most hardiest marine species you hobbyists can ever keep.

I agree i had a small eel for a few months before i decided i wasnt ready for it. When i did have it my mom spilled bleach into the tank and my eel was the only one who lived.

I was referring to their temperment in relation to other fish.
DME thanks a million. I already tore down my reef tank and set up an eel only tank. I got some spotted eels. I still want the reticulate hookjaw. I am officially hooked on eels, so a new large tank is in the works.