Anglers will eat dwarf lionfish and not even burp.
Cahinlinks are smaller and more peaceful than a SFE (I have both and about 5 others as well) and are actually 1st cousins.
ANYT eel will eat any octopus in 1.5 heck of a fight though (always bet on the eel, it pays for the octopus)
Tobies are the smallest puffers and will KILL (read my lips here K-I-L-L ) lionfish, even big ones. Got that?
Bigger puffers, like dog-faces and lionfish get along just fine, only not in a 55.
IF the lion happens to be REALY huge and eats the Toby in self defense first, you now have 2 dead fish.
Puffers are deadly poison to anything that eats them.
With dwarf lionfish consider: Hamlets (all), dwarf sea basses (all) chainlink eels (great..stays small), Hawkfish, sea bream, LARGE sailfin mollies (cheap in the FW section, beautiful, tough as nails in ocean water, eats algae and hair algae and have live babies to feed the buy in town. Takes 3.1 seconds to acclimate) Fairy wrasses (a little delicate),6 line wrasses (NOT delicate),large sleeper gobies, to name just a few.