AHHH!!!! Live rock shattered bottom of tank!!!!!


Last night my son and i were aquascaping in my 90g that i just bought, and one of the bigger rocks slipped out of his hand, and went crashing to the bottom where there was no sand (i moved the sand to place rock directly on the bottom) and it shattered the bottom of my tank
, So now i am gonna use my 55g that was gonna be my qt but now it will be my main tank. And i got a 30g tank for a friend for free so i can make that my qt tank..

scopus tang

Active Member
Oh man, that is the berries
I completely feel for you! I've broken a few in my time, so I know how you feel (never that big of one thought - thank goodness - knock on wood).


I could never let my son even though he is 15 aqua scape my tank with me. If somthing is getting broke I rather it be me. Gosh I would not beable to hold my thoughts and proberly yell at him! He would feel bad for breaking moms things then I go and yell at him too
NO WAY man!! But he always helps me with water changes he is like it when I call on him for that! He gets to show off his mucles!
So are you going to get a new one?


not right now i am just gonna use my 55g thats was gonna be my qt. and i have another 30g that i will use a my qt.. I couldnt yell at him as soon as it happened he started freaking out so instead of yelling i comforted him.. i know he might be to young to help but he aint gonna learn just watching. Yea it cost me alot of money but at least he wasn't hurt and no fishies were in the tank because it is a new tank..


Originally Posted by justilorah
not right now i am just gonna use my 55g thats was gonna be my qt. and i have another 30g that i will use a my qt.. I couldnt yell at him as soon as it happened he started freaking out so instead of yelling i comforted him.. i know he might be to young to help but he aint gonna learn just watching. Yea it cost me alot of money but at least he wasn't hurt and no fishies were in the tank because it is a new tank..

Thank god he did not get hurt like glass in the eye!!
My son was just reading this post and said he would rather break it with water in it! He said that would be bad but cool at the same time! OMG! teenagers, now he's descirbing exactly how it will happen as well! In slow mo of course!
But his last words was WHOA I feel bad for her!


Active Member
Never had that done that before. Although I have freaked out when I have had rocks tumble over. I do let my boys help me on my tank. They are young, 9 and 7, so they help me with few things. Like aquascaping, the scope of their help was handing me rocks while I placed them in the tank. Tank is a little larger than your 90, and if it busted, I would probably climb on top of my roof, and take a swan dive off...LOL


Active Member
Wow, I'm real sorry to read this too, but it is good no one got hurt. There's always a positive in every negative, you (and others reading this) will have learned something out of the experience. It's a bummer, though, that sometimes the learning curve can cost a fair bit of money.
What might be helpful is laying egg crate along the bottom of the next tank you set up. If a piece of rock falls, it'll disperse the impact and hopefully will keep any one rock point from shattering the glass. It's also good for stability, since your rock structure (if partially kept under the sand level) will have a firmer base.


that is excellent advice i will be very careful next month when I add 50 lb's of lr to my DT they are pretty big pieces and I wouldnt wanna drop one if my tank broke 1-my CC which consists of 140-180 animals would be in jeopardy..and my 45 corals...not to mention i'd get evicted and be homeless and prob be bankrupt from paying for damages..
thanks for the heads up


Sorry to hear to read this. I'm sure your son was devistated. However, I think it's great that you're involving your son in your hobbies/interests to the extent that you are. How old is he? Keep doing these things and you'll have a close relationship for years to come. Over the years, my son and I shared hobbies, science projects (I made him do them), backpacking, mountain biking, then later scuba diving, and other adventures. Now at the age of 23, my son and I are very close. In fact, his new interest in freshwater fish renewed my interest in saltwater. So we now have a new interest to share.
Keep up the good work.
So sorry. When I was setting up my 150 the other day I put the sand in first, when I went to put this huge piece of rock it slipped out of my hand and fell but because of the sand nothing happened, thank GOD.


Active Member
Originally Posted by justilorah
.. I couldnt yell at him as soon as it happened he started freaking out so instead of yelling i comforted him.. i know he might be to young to help but he aint gonna learn just watching.