Aiptasia Control

bang guy

I received some Peppermint Shrimp from this site (Saltwaterfish.COM) yesterday. After acclimating them I placed them in one of my grow-out tanks that had a significant population of Aiptasia.
This morning there were no Aiptasia in there at all, none.
I just thought I should share.

nm reef

Active Member
Yup bang...I gotta agree...they have always gotten rid of them for me. I've always heard pros/cons about them being effective....but I've never had any complaints here. I'd still have my 2 peppermint shrimp in my reef if only I had removed the wrasse sooner....he ate 'em....nasty beast! I do have a few aiptasia in my refugium and will soon locate a couple of pepermints to remove the pests.


Active Member
I am in the same boat........must be something in the water. ;)
I got 5 peppermints from and they hunted down each and every Craptasia in the tank! I haven't had great success with them one at a time but, a small group did a number and quickly.


Active Member
Funny you say that Rye. I had the same experience. One by itself did nothing. I have four in my community tank and they tear it up. I pull a rock with some "craptasia as you put it" from another tank and put it in at night. The next day I pull the rock out, clean of aptasia, and put it back. Wonderful little creatures.


Funny, I just found some on one of my rocks, and I was wondering of the peps really worked...guess that question is answered...time for another SWF order i guess!