Originally posted by foxthorn
Do you know if I put the whole RO/DI with tank under my sink if I can then run a long (~10 feet) hose from the DI to my basement collection container. The length of travel would be all heading down hill. I'm thinking that the length shouldn't matter as long as gravity is working on it... right?
I see absolutely no problem with that at all. You can also get a float valve for this system so that you don't have to keep an eye on fish tank water collection. The fish tank componet can run directly to a sump for top-off with the float valve, or into a collection container; and, of course, you can just move the tube from one spot to the other depending on whehter you want to collect water or do top off in the sump.
BTW: Any brand RO/DI can be set up this way. Airwaterice's system are presented in an appealing way to accomodate both home drinking water as well as tank water, but I also checked with Spectrapure and Kent and they have basically the same systems with the same configurations if that is what you want. The deciding factor for me was PRICE. Which was a big difference. I have a 6 filter system for $200, compared to Spectrapure which was $500, and Kent which was $400. Check the prices yourself for the actual filters/membrances if you bought them from the manufacture directly. The rest of the system is just housing and tubing, so what exactly are you paying for with any of these systems? The filters and membranes.