Algae Help Needed


OK...I have this green appearing in my 225g on the top of's a thin layer, and only in this one spot...there is a powersweep right above it too
Attachment 226040
Attachment 226041
Water parameters are good...calcium 8.3....alk 2.2 ml
Any suggestions



Active Member
Yup green algae. Where are your Ceriths and Conchs? And as always algae needs nutrient and light!!!!!


Originally Posted by spanko
Yup green algae. Where are your Ceriths and Conchs?
In the sand...I think I am going to order some more ceriths...They are out of the florida conch again.....
IDK..Like I said it is right under a PH.....Is there anything I can do....Like turn lights down...stick head in oven...LOL


Active Member
I would, if it were my BIGGGGGGGG tank put in about 4 to start with. What is your photoperiod right now?


Actinics go on at 7 a.m......I have 3 250w MH.....Center goes on at 1...2 outer goes on at 2....2 outer go off at at 8:30...actinics out at 10


OK...4 fl conch, 10 cerith, 3 lettuce nudis 2 halloween hermits (29g)
Anything else? I'm putting them in the cart


Originally Posted by spanko
Looks good, why the Tridachia crispata
, actually a sea slug, not a nudibranch at all.
I thought they eat the hair and bryopsis...if you have it???
If you do not think they will...I'll take them off and save the $30Just give the opinion...LOL


Well I googled and searched some more and they list this slug as eating bryopsis...along with other I figured what the heck.....You have really never heard that????


Active Member
Nope, but that doesn't mean anything. Just surprised that of all the posts I have read about Bryopsis have not heard anyone mention this. Seems like if it worked people would surely talk about them instead of raising Mg levels. IDK


Originally Posted by spanko
Nope, but that doesn't mean anything. Just surprised that of all the posts I have read about Bryopsis have not heard anyone mention this. Seems like if it worked people would surely talk about them instead of raising Mg levels. IDK
You have a point usual...LOL....Maybe I'll just get one...
Do you think I should raise the mag also??
Of course I would have to order whatever I need to do that...


Originally Posted by spanko
Nope, but that doesn't mean anything. Just surprised that of all the posts I have read about Bryopsis have not heard anyone mention this. Seems like if it worked people would surely talk about them instead of raising Mg levels. IDK
I got some bryopsis on some LR. These guys are awesome at removing it. They will also eat other algae too. They come up missing real easy though. I keep fishing them out of my overflow. Raising mag just is a temporary fix. When levels drop down the algae reappears.


Originally Posted by MaryG
I got some bryopsis on some LR. These guys are awesome at removing it. They will also eat other algae too. They come up missing real easy though. I keep fishing them out of my overflow. Raising mag just is a temporary fix. When levels drop down the algae reappears.
AHHH....So you are saying the lettuce nudi DO eat bryopsis???


Meowzer Here is what a fellow reefer who has a lot of experience in the hobby
has to say "They are an interesting little sea slug. There are a couple variations and I believe both of them are Caribbean critters. They eat algae and some folks seem to be able to sustain them. You will need good lighting to help them support photosynthesis. They incorporate zooxanthellae into their tissue and photosynthesis provides an important part of their carbohydrate requirements. They need a lower flow environment and no indwelling pumps as PHs will do them in.....not might....but will......... it is only a matter of when. They are interesting, but short lived and for about $25....what I saw them going for.....they might best be left.....unless you really really like them and can provide a low flow tank." None of the words in the quote are mine they belong to a person named Patrick.


Not sure if it was addressed, but a good water change took care of my algae problem, along with some emerald crabs.


Originally Posted by J-Ville
Not sure if it was addressed, but a good water change took care of my algae problem, along with some emerald crabs.
Thanks....I keep up on my w/c's regularly...(time permitting..LOL)
I am getting some more cuc tomorrow, so hopefully that will help too.