alge problem


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/380312/alge-problem/20#post_3311747
Have you increased the cuc? are you still doing the frequent water changes?
Have you tried chemi-pure elite? Do you have current test results (phosphates)?
no i am still hope to get the test kits in. thay should have come in today
i was going to see what the how the test came out before a new cuc order was made
but i do have list started


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/380312/alge-problem#post_3309691
OH....let me give you a tip
you can go to Walmart and buy a package of quilters polyester's like $5 for a bag....I cut it into pieces to fit in my sump tray.....and it lasts for months and months....I could change it daily and who's pennies

I do not put carbon in my sump tray.....if anything I use a phosphate pad...I just cut it to size.....
what other filtration do you have??? (sorry if you posted already)
just got my $70 bag of "quilters polyester batting" in today
i will not do that agan
thanks for the tip


test results

PH 8.2
Allcalinity 200ppm
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Phosphate .4
Calcium 450
that looks ok to me, but i have been working on the tank now for about three weeks very hard, with W/C and new skimmer, scrubbing and cleaning

thanks for all of your help


The phosphates seem to be an issue....keep up with the w/c's, clean your filters, have you tried chemi-pure elite? phospure pads? any type of phosphate remover?
lessen foods, rinse foods, feed good frozen foods


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/380312/alge-problem/40#post_3312837
The phosphates seem to be an issue....keep up with the w/c's, clean your filters, have you tried chemi-pure elite? phospure pads? any type of phosphate remover?
lessen foods, rinse foods, feed good frozen foods
what are soom good foods to get, was looking at getting a phosphate reactor, any help with that


YEAH....I have one....I have the phosphate reactor 550...and run GFO in it
frozen mysis, marine cuisine, emerald entree...all are good
I forget what fish you have though...LOL


i have looked at alot of phosphate reactors today
not sure what to get like the skimmer there are alot of them out there. so what do all of you use. help with this one please

do i get one with two chambers one for phos. one for carb. or just one for phos.



What size tank is this for???? Do you have any other issues besides phosphates?
I'd get the phosphate only one.....and either the phosphate 150 (smaller tank) or the 550 Larger tank


the DT is 180 and the sump is 55 small load at this point but will be adding alot more thing as soon as the algae is gone, i do have the tray for carb. so i should just get the phos only one.
i was looking at the nextreef and one at brs and was looking the gfo and brs


For the 180, I would go with the phosphate reactor the moment I am using GFO from BRS....I bought a large jar, so will for a while too...LOL
I may try Phosban.....or another type of remover next....Not sure yet


i like the price of that, but i have read alot today and have read that thay leak,
what is being said is that you can only get so tight. the nextreef has thumb screws all around the top with an oring,
how is your and how long have you had it
and what pump do you have on it?


I got mine first week of June. I have never had a leak problem.
I have mine running off my return pump in the sump. The return is a mag 18, and we put a "T" in the return the mag 18 feeds the phosban reactor too
then I have the return from the reactor going back in to the return section of my sump


i can not do that with my setup i will have to a pump for it so i may go with the nextreef it comes with pump (hob bracket) all the lines and valves for under 80 bucks that looks good

as for gfo did work for you what would make you change to phosban, or are you just looking for the best thing that works for you, like we all do


Just lookin for the best thing....LOL whatever that may be......My phosphates went down....they were like at 10
......they went down to 4...then 1-2
I can not get them at 0

I actually need to change my gfo ...but I don't want to


i did read that there is a guy that put phosphate spong in for 36hr and after that he put the brs gfo in and changes it every month, bfs gfo is said to be good for two to three months but this guy said no, changes it every month. i can do that to make the tank look good and so i can start to add more things to it. the girls would like to add more things so i am having to work hard at this to make it right.


btw the guy that i am talking about also said that if you do not change the gfo every month you will never get down to (0) you can get to 1 or 2 but not 0


OMG...I just changed it .... not w/o incident was my own fault...LOL....firts I accidentally threw out a sponge and plate...haha.....very glad I realized it....
then I re-hooked up the hoses wrong
BUT...ALL IS WELL NOW......IDK what I was doing I guess.....I had only changed it out once before

I really need to write down when I change it.....GOOD IDEA....I will do that now