algea I.D.????


On my sub i am coming across black algea all over and it strands out into hair like fibers. Is this "hair algea?" If it is how do i go about getting rid of it?


ya its all over my substrate. I use crushed coral instead of sand and it forms a layer almost like a thin sheet and then it grows like a fine hair all over the place. It is also a very dark black. I am going to do a water change on it today but before i do I will take a pic of this "stuff" so you can see what I am talking about.


this is what i have been talking about......don't know what it is. As far as flow goes i really don't think that is the prob, I have two powerheads in this little 12 gal nano.



Do a search on cyanobacteria......there are many causes for it. Too much light, too much feeding, What are your test phosphates? What do you feed? Who do you feed? IN other words what is in your tank as far as fish and inverts
We actually need you to list EVERYTHING about your tank....filtration...etc etc


Still kinda a rookie at all this so I hope i list it all right. As far as the tank goes it is a Eclipse 12 by Marineland i bought at ***** from Instant ocean. The filter is just the one it came with and as far as light goes it is a 50/50 compact. I just have fiji live rock and a few chromis to cycle the tank. After about a month of that i regularly checked levels of trates and trites and ph and all the rest of that good stuff. After the spike calmed itself out I went and got some mushrooms ( that appear to be doing really well, they look great) I add trace elements to the tank daily. It says on the bottle 1tbsp for every 40 gallons so I just take an eyedropper and add a few drops. I figured that was the best way to go becuase it had the iodide and stuff already in it. As far as the CUC goes I have six blue leg hermits and 3 astrea snails. I was thinking of getting some more but honestly I really don't know what to get. I have been reading alot of info here and i think shrimp would really help me out. I would also like to start a refgium but I honeslty have no clue how. I guess I will just save to buy a biocube......just got to get more $$$ from the wife.. Oh yea I also have a couple of powerheads in each back corner of the tank to help circulate the water.


forgot to mention i feed a mixture of flake and frozen brine shrimp to the chromis, i only have one fish becuase the other two died during the cycle, just haven't got around to get more untill I get this figured out and see what I need to improve on


the light I could be wrong with the 50/50, it is a compact for sure ( not that stupid) but one half is blue (actinic) and the other is white. Not sure if it is 10000k or 7500k. That is why i call it a 50/50


How long do you keep your lights on?
The food you are feeding is not very good....Flakes at best are only good for a snack maybe 1x a week, and brine has the nutrition of a potato chip.....Some good foods are frozen mysis, marine cuisine, emerald entree.... and for 1 fish, you only need a small piece of the cube.
How often do you do water changes? You should NOT be dosing anything unless you test for it. In fact, If you do regular water changes you should not have to does anything at all
part of your problem may be too much nutrients....another part is your clean up crew
I would go get some nassarius snails and some cerith snails...maybe 6 of each for now, and why do you think a shrimp would help you out???
As far as your level of trites and trates...what do you consider good? Can you give the exact test readings of everything?


I went down to the lfs and bought these frozen cubes of marines cuisine and some nassarius snails but they didn't have any cerith. I was also adding trace elements to the water but I also can't find a test kit for iodide or anything else listed on the back of that bottle so I will stop adding it to my water. I do water changes weekly since it is only a 12 gallon, i keep it at three gallons to change a week. My trites are at zero and my trates appear to be anywhere to 30-40. The color chart to compare to the vial, the colors are really similiar but thats the "zone" it falls into. My Ph is at 8.2 and it is like that all the time. this is probably a dumb question but I don't use RO water. I have a PUR water filter and I have just been using that water it provides for my water changes. I don't really know how big of a part of the problem that could be so I am asking you.


Active Member
For "most" people using tap water even through a PUR filter can be a major cause of this type of problem. The PUR filter, even though it makes good drinking water, still leave TDS (total dissolved solids) not detrimental to humans but a pollutant to our tanks in terms of algae growth. RODI filters remove this TDS. You can purchase RODI water from your local fish stores, use distilled water or purchase a RODI unit for your home.
Clean water and lighting are two of the most important things required in keeping a thriving reef tank.


I'm pretty sure I am jsut going to start over and go completely with RO water and start the cycle process all over again becuase this is getting outta control. Thank you guys for all your help and input and You should be happy to know my fish is now getting more sutrients than that of a potato chip.