Alk still low with Kalk


Hello all,
I am dripping kalk with very good results. Cal is 420 but my alk is about 8.3 dkh and Mag is 1350.
Why would my Alk still be low? Do I always need to supplement more alk when dosing Kalk?


Active Member
Kalk powder is "Calcium Hydroxide" so you are adding calcium by dripping Kalk...
With the addition of "free" calcium ions, your corals need additional carbonates to form calcium carbonate, which they draw from the water colum...
So, will need to supplement Alk/Carbonates when dripping Kalk to maintain balance in a high demand system...

bang guy

Originally Posted by balistik1
Hello all,
Cal is 420 but my alk is about 8.3 dkh and Mag is 1350.
These levels are perfectly balanced IMO. I see no reason to change anything.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Squidd
So, will need to supplement Alk/Carbonates when dripping Kalk to maintain balance in a high demand system...

Just fyi - Kalk adds Calcium and Carbonate in a 1:2 ratio which is the same ratio they are used up by calcifying animals.


That is what I thought I read in one of your posts BangGuy. I thought my ALK levels should be around 9 - 11 dkh?
So I am ok?
No need to change what I started?


Active Member
Then where might the extra alkalinity be going...?
I've noticed the same affect in my tank (k reactor only) that calcium is "relatively" stable (occasional bump needed) but alk has a consistantly higher demand...
I've "heard" that the K reactors do well with calcium but need alk supplementation, and the C-reactors do better with alk but may need calcium supplementation...
Kind of "why" they complement each other so well...
But then I've also heard a C reactor is all you need for a balanced tank and now your saying a K-reactor should supply a balanced supplementation...????

bang guy

The main reason why ALK sometimes slowly drops is a lack of CO2. The Hydroxide needs CO2 in the water to produce CO3 (Carbonate) and (CO3)2 (Bicarbonate). If it's dripped too fast or if CO2 is being actively consumed by algae then the hydroxide will be unable to form CO3. The solution is to drip slower, drip at night, and/or drip directly into a skimmer intake.
The reason Calcium reactors go so well with K-reactors is that C reactors usially have an excess of CO2 and K reactors have a deficit of CO2.
Another reason that is currently just theory is that Hydroxide can also react with Phosphate. This will lower PO4 levels but it will also tend to slowly bring down ALK.
An occational teaspoon of baking soda will usually fix the ALK imbalance.
In the case of "Cal is 420 but my alk is about 8.3 dkh and Mag is 1350" there is no problem to fix in my opinion. Natural Sea water around reef systems is about 410 Calcium with an ALK of about 7.0dKH.


Active Member
That makes sense in my scenerio...
Running Large Algal Scrubber (Macros) Lit 24/7, massive growth....probably low on the CO2...
And phosphate testing at "0"...
:thinking: Hmmm..."Another" good reason to get a C-reactor up and running... :D


Thanks everyone for your opinions. I will try dripping it into my skimmer. Should I just drill a hole on the top and let it drip down? Is there anything that I should do?

bang guy

Originally Posted by balistik1
Should I just drill a hole on the top and let it drip down?
No, that will interfere with the optimum functioning of the skimmer. Just drip the limewater near the intake to the skimmer.


Active Member
Not to disagree with you Bang...
Ah, what the Heck...I think I will...

Dripping into the cup or collection tube will put the Kalk at the optimal point of contact with phosphates and at a higher CO2 level (point of oxygenation)...
Dripping near the pump inlet puts kalk concentration at "heat source" and most likely will cause rapid buildup of caco3 in pump and on impeller...

bang guy

That actually makes perfect sense. Is it worth drilling into a skimmer to hit the "sweet spot"?
I'm not adverse to the idea but what effect will it have on drip rate & skimmer output?
Bang <--- goes into the corner to ponder....


I see the point both of yo are trying to make. Wouldn't me drilling a hole on the top cause the bubbles to try and enter the drip tubing?


Active Member
There's not that kind of "pressure" from the collection cup, so no it won't "push" it's way up the tube...
In fact I run one of my skimmers "topless" ...(OK...So I "lost" the top... :rolleyes: ) and the skimate just comes up and "rolls" over the edge into the collection cup...
Never had it "shooting" to the bottom of my stand... :D


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
These levels are perfectly balanced IMO. I see no reason to change anything.
I agree


Well i am dripping Kalk into my skimmer.
Lets see how my numbers change on my tests.
I will keep everyone posted.