You need to raise your alk, but you also need to test calcium levels. Look in the archives here and you find a calcium/alkalinity chart by Reefnut. It should help you out. Raising alk with a buffer is pretty easy, just pick a brand and stick with it. I like Kent products.
Thanx for the respones. and its mEq/L, and the calcium is at 460.. Which is way too high!! And i use buffer most the time but im afraid it will cause the alkalinity too high? i made a 10 gal water change 2 days ago and it made very little difference. and i Did not use buffer on that water.Thanx again
Thanx Bang! Long time no see.. ANd i stopped useing the buffer for now, and will only use it as needed from now on. i just read a really good article about buffer and how its over used. Thanx again