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Just thinking about it for now... I wasn't planning on breeding them, but just that should I decide to set up a SH tank, I guess I should listen to what my mother told me when I was younger, and be prepared for unplanned pregnancies.
Just noticed that you are in MN. Howdy Neighbor. Have you done seahorse breeding before? Yet?
Cool! Hi from the suburbs!
Yes I have bred seahorses, but only ponies(the dwarf seahorses), and with much success. The ponies are much tougher than their larger cousins, IMHO. The pony fry are able to take care of themselves from the moment the emerge from their father's pouch. The biggest challenge with these little horses is hatching enough live food for them on a daily basis. The fry need enriched day old baby brine shrimp(BBS), and lots of them. Maintaining the BBS Hatchery is the biggest commitment when keeping ponies. Twice a day, with my schedule, I am constantly hatching and enriching in different cycles. It's easy once you get the hang of it, but it is a big commitment, and there is always more tiny snouts to feed!
This was my favorite male, "Titan".
Here's what meal time looks like. A BBS snow storm!