All I gotta say about IO salt is this....

jonny bolt

Member sucks my bullocks!!!
I usually get Reef Crystals, and instead of paying the almost 50 percent retail mark-up at my local LFS, I order it from the "Drs." for less than 50 bux shipped to my door Fed Ex. Well, the last time I ordered a bucket, they sent the wrong one....instant ocean. Ok, I've never used it in the past. Well I've been usin' it since the beginning of the Summer, and man oh man does it produce some green algae in my tank, excessively! All over the inside of the glass. Never been this bad before, ever. Not with Reef Crystals anyway.
This stuff pisses me off!

tx reef

Active Member
Strange....I never have problems with IO. I have been using for over a year.
Maybe you got a bad batch..... :notsure:

bang guy

That's odd. IO is the same formula as Reef Crystals except for some extra baking soda and Calcium chloride.


I've ALWAYS used Instant Ocean. Ever since I bought that first box for my first 35 g. Never one problem. And there ain't nothing wrong with algea.


Active Member
I have seen alot of post about IO, maybe they changed the formula or maybe they sent out a bad batch over this past summer? Heck I dont know?
Are your water params ok?
I think every co will have its own issues, I use coralife and have been adding kent tech m to bump the mag.
I have seen some posts on reefcentral about other salts but have not been able to find them in my area.
So far coralife has worked out best for me taking into consideration that you will most likely have to dose kent tech m or some type of mag supplement.


Ive been doing saltwater for a while and Ive always used IO. Never had a problem with them before. Maybe it was just ur batch?


ive also found that IO takes a long time and does not dissolve completely. I like Oceanic Natural, though many seem to have problems w/ this salt.


Active Member
i used IO 15 yrs ago when i had my first SW, just this year i rejoined the reefer and i used IO till this last batch i got Reef Crystals just because it has more calcium...


Active Member
Only way I/O is not going to completely dissolove is if you got a bag of older salt that has started to precipitate out., Once it starts to precipitate it will never dissolve again fully. Any bagged or packaged salt with minerals such as cal and mag is susceptible to precipitate if it is not 110% airtight. You will find this with the smaller packs as they do not sell as fast as larger packs of salt. 10 gal and 50 gal packs of IO is nortorious for this as compared to larger packs...Call I/O up and tell em and odds are they will send you new replacement salt free of charge. Its perfectly fine to use however in fish only tanks, and it will settle out just like sand clouded water, as its basically the same as what aragonite sand is once it precipitates out. I have used it for quite a few years now without any problems other than precipitation on small packages or old packages.


Originally Posted by chipmaker
Only way I/O is not going to completely dissolove is if you got a bag of older salt that has started to precipitate out., Once it starts to precipitate it will never dissolve again fully. Any bagged or packaged salt with minerals such as cal and mag is susceptible to precipitate if it is not 110% airtight. You will find this with the smaller packs as they do not sell as fast as larger packs of salt. 10 gal and 50 gal packs of IO is nortorious for this as compared to larger packs...Call I/O up and tell em and odds are they will send you new replacement salt free of charge. Its perfectly fine to use however in fish only tanks, and it will settle out just like sand clouded water, as its basically the same as what aragonite sand is once it precipitates out. I have used it for quite a few years now without any problems other than precipitation on small packages or old packages.
Seems like some kind of personal grudge here. "Me thinks he does protest too much!"
I've been using I/O a long time, never had problems with it dissolving from ANY size package.


i never had a problem with i/o when i used it for a i use reef crystals and its the problems.....bad batch?


Never had a problem with IO. It is consistant, disolves quick and can be found at any pet store and is cheaper than others. It works for me.
I have heard rave reviews for Tropic Marin - but it is pricey and it isn't always available at stores.
The answer to your question as to which salt is best to use. My opinion is whatever one works best for you, your wallet and lifestyle, and tank husbandry schedule. I don't think it matters as long as you keep healthy water params and you can afford what you buy. Hows that for an answer. Other long timers out there - do you agere with my comment?


Active Member
i got some Red Sea salt, i like the IO 5gal container more than this container, but they both dissolved in the same time. i also saw some new RO salt (catchy phrase like, "you use ro, now use ro salt!"). anyone know anything about it?

jonny bolt

I dont know, but it is more than obvious that there is a difference in my tank when using IO and Reef Crystals. Maybe the IO was a bad batch, I dont know. But I dont think I will be using it again.
I would like to try either of the 2 Seachem salts, but I am unable to find it locally.
I will either keep getting Reef Crystals for 50 bux shipped, or I may try Red Sea salt again, cuz I can get a 200 gallon bucket of it for 50 bux at *****.
I refuse to pay 80 dollars for a bucket of Reef Crystals again at the LFS.


Active Member
Personally I kind of doubt the salt change is what led to your algae problem but then again no one knows your tank better than you do.
This is one of the problems with this hobby is that when changes do occur in our tanks narrowing it down to just what caused it is next to impossible and any or all suspicions can only be based on anecdotal evidence at best. In other words gut feeling and best guess is the best we can do.
As far as salt brands go I have had good results since changing to Red Seas Coral pro and it runs 50 bucks for a 175 gal pale delivered to your door. Of course mixing it to reef tank salinity means its more like 150 gals a bucket.