All my children


Active Member
Billy's mother has four kids. Three of them are Penny, Nickle, and Dime. Who is the fourth?
First person with the correct answer can put up their own riddle. Wow, I'm bored today...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
Billy's mother has four kids. Three of them are Penny, Nickle, and Dime. Who is the fourth?
First person with the correct answer can put up their own riddle. Wow, I'm bored today...


Active Member
Okay then. How about this.
You are running a race and you pass the person in second. What place are you in?
You are running a race and you pass the person in last. What place are you in?


Active Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
Okay then. How about this.
You are running a race and you pass the person in second. What place are you in?Second!
You are running a race and you pass the person in last. What place are you in?LAST

answer in red!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
answer in red!

Answer two is incorrect lol. You can't pass the person in last lmao.
Okay here's a new one.
You are dead. However you were neither a good person or bad person in life and now your fate lies in chance. You are faced with two doors. One door leads to heaven and the other leads to hell. The gatekeeper of heaven can only tell the truth but the gatekeeper of hell can only lie.
You are allowed to ask each of them one question BUT you have to ask them both the same question.
What question will you ask?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangMan99
You would ask them each which door they would choose.
That probably wouldn't work out too well...
Not the answer I was looking for although, there is more than one right answer.


you ask them each what 1+1 is and you go through the door behind the one that says 2. Simple if you think about it.