all my fish died


New Member
that is so sad
i feel so bad
i cried really hard when my fish died
they were like my children
i feel so responsible


i bet you ammonia killed them . 3 month old tank with that many fish you got to slow down !! your tank is still fresh(new), and you said you added 3 new fish in the last week ,it takes time for the good bacteria to deal with adding 1 fish alone imagin 3 at the same time (ammonia spike) i would add 1 fish per month min longer the that ur system has a chance to deal with the load . also you didnt quarantine the new ones. there is alot of things that could of caused them to die but i will stick with the ammonia poisoning(spike).


Active Member

Originally posted by panyapenzi
that is so sad
i feel so bad
i cried really hard when my fish died
they were like my children
i feel so responsible

that is sad
me too
i dont know about that
i know what you mean
you are
it is deep poetry- but seriously - you need to research you fish much better before you buy them to avoid things like this.


New Member
well the only reason the fish were in that tank for such a short time is because i had moved and upgraded my tank
before i moved i had about 7 in a 29 gallon, i know that was a nono
but the ammonia levels were fine


New Member
what do you mean risked a second time
i told you that the petstore told me that i was doing ok on my population


Active Member
- you shouldnt just believe one source- read read read- books articles everything- i dont suppose you knwe much about space exploration but if i said you can breathe underwater in space because of the lack of air pressure and gravity, would you try it?


New Member
well it was my first saltwater tank and i was naive
its not like i didnt worry about it every time i bought a new fish
i asked them if it would get along with my other fish and if i had enough room for it
its not my fault that they gave false information


take it easy kickster,
you might discourage panya from posting questions here. we've all made mistakes, some not as big as others, but we all have made them. i really makes me mad that a store would do that to someone too.


New Member
well sue me for having faith in the petstore employees
i know that not all of them know as much as they should
but you know what, nobodys perfect


Active Member
true- im not upset- just wanted you to know why your fish died- no use blaming it on others- (i just did a paper on reef destruction and one of the leadind factors is overcollection for this hobby, and when fish die- well more are collected to replace them) it just gets to me when they are killed b/c of bad information- but sorry if im getting you worked up but sometimes a little comotion wakes you up if ya know what i mean


Reading is key!! I started a 55gal saltwater about a year ago with no saltwater experience whatsoever-I went to the lfs asked a LOT of questions and bought a couple books and even though opinions varied you will still learn a lot and the biggest thing I was told was to be patient! I ran my system for almost 3 months with liverock before I added any fish. When I did I again read and asked questions. I then added 1-2 fish every 3 weeks. I now have a full tank with fish,inverts and corals and have had very few problems. Research is key! Also don't chince on equipment or maintenance. The money you spend now will save you money in the long run.:D btw way too many fish for that tank no matter how long you would have waited. Those are mostly big fish that probably couldn't even swim much and got stressed out!


New Member
i apologize for getting upset too
you just got to understand that i was new at this and the petstore was the one that helped me set the tank up in the beginning
i have to go to work now
thanks very much for the help :)


Active Member
bye- in the future- this site can be you biggest help- and most (the ones worth listening to) of us are willing;)


wow...all i can say. These days with all the modern filtration you are able to get away with adding more fish than previously suggested. But heck they gave you an inch and you took a mile. Didn't the fish look unhappy, the triggers fight, the blenny get terrorized. How could there have been no signs of any problems, The tank was packed.
All I can tell you is to learn from this mistake. And if you really have a reputable lfs it will say by the fish tag what they are compatible with. Blennies and Groupers...CRIMINY. Do yourself a favor and read a book or two.


Active Member
I agree with the reasoning, but maybe not the delivery here.
Welcome to the board, and as mentioned prior, the stocking would almost certainly be the problem here.
Did you test the water or the lfs???
I think all lfs's are a business, and when i go into a business, i go in with the assumption I am a customer. customer = money. Now, not all lfs's are bad, but they are all business and we should realize that we can get taken or mislead in there. Some are blatant, some are jsut not knowledgable and a few are even good to go and listen to, but we have to be cautious as consumers. I have one nerr me, that the whole area thinks is a god in the sw business, but I willnot even grace them with my presence, the owner willargue with me abouteverything. Telling me I am doomed even 2 yrs later. He will argue about percual and false percuals being non-existant, and sell you an anemone with no knowledge and sya if you want a scientific name, yyou have to look it up, all i did was ask what type of anemone that was(it was a carpet, he said pacific). Now this is coming form a 30 + yr business, so age means squat too.
The reson i ask about the testing, Is b/c sorry to doubt here, but at that age with those fish, I find it haerd to believe that the ammonia and nitrite was 0. I would almost ahve to see it, esp if the trates were taht low. IMO, 25 give or take a little is not lethal in most sw systems, keeping many corals is possible . 0 is not an easy number to achieve. Now, 50 is not extremely low, just taht I would think it would be alot higher in a tank that size with that stock


also, one lfs may be great but one employee may be bad. My Favorite lfs has 2 great saltwater guys and many bad ones so if a bad one asks to help me I tell them I am looking until I can grab an intelligent one. You find this out by watching them and listening to them while you are looking.(they are usually the quiet ones) I have learned the hard way who was worth listening to and who was full of s@#$#@


Active Member
Tell me, do these LFS' have a warranty on their fish?
Do they test water on tanks, and encourage you to bring in water to be tested before adding fish, and before they sell you one? A store with a good warranty is likely to do this, so they have some confidence in your tank, and not just what you are telling them.
An LFS is in the business of selling fish, and there are few who turn eager customers away, especially if they know you will be back next week for more. Many don't have a warranty and as soon as the money is exchanged, it is your problem. This may be a stupid employee problem, or this may be a scam company with an eager customer. Many LFS' are like that, a fea aren't (I also worked at an LFS, BTW, and have a grad degree in marine invert zoology, so be careful of the assumptions made about the employees).
You need to read up on types of fish for that tank, acclimation, filtration, etc. This is a hobby that requires an incredible amount a patience and self taught education. Without it, you will fail, regardless of the money you put into the system. You don't go in to buy a car without doing some research- and knowing that the salespeople at Ford aren't going to say "ya know, you really shouldn't buy this car, you only have a two car garage and its full" or "you really need to go over to the Chevy folks and look at their truck instead." These are animals, and it is the buyer who bears a good deal of responsibility in what they buy.
In that size tank, with predators, you are looking at MAYBE 3-4 fish, depending on what they are, and certainly not the panther grouper. You need to think about fish you can keep long term, and that won't eat other fish. What sort of filtration do you have, protein skimmer, etc? Live Rock? Sand?
I would find a new store, really really fast. I would even consider writing a letter to the better business folks in your area, and file a complaint, once you learn how wrong they were...but in exchange you must take responsibility and learn from this, and follow the advice given in this thread. You must read and research before adding anything to that tank. Ask on this board where people go in your area. The stores you went to had you in the palm of their hands, and they took advantage of you in a BIG way. BIG BIG BIG WAY. How much did they make off you??