all my fish died


Active Member

Originally posted by j21kickster
btw i am in highschool and i work at the lfs and yes i do know what i am talking about. ;)

so i take it we shouldnt listen to ya cause ya a LFS :p (kidding) hahaha


Active Member
i just graduated from high school, my friend who worked at a lfs said i could put up to 5 fish in my 15 gallon... when i was really new at saltwater, i asked my friend could i get thism Dwarf angel fish and mandarin gobie he said it would be okay in my new just cycled tank!!! man how he was wrong, i guess when some people work in lfs they just dont care anymore or just have really bad judgement.....


New Member
i truly believe that God was protecting my fish
every time something went wrong in that tank i prayed over it and they would end up ok
God cares about everything because he created everything, it doesnt matter if its a 2 dollar mouse
if you care about it and pray over it, in Jesus name it will be healed
i have definately learned from this experience and in the future will be ALOT more careful
thanks to all those who replied :)


Active Member

Originally posted by j21kickster
hey slothy- btw does your name reflect your thought process :rolleyes: :D

i think so.... :) hahahah muwwah


Active Member
With all due respect, I disagree.
Animals on this planet are to be taken care of; it doesn't give us any right to put them into bad stituations with the idea that God will come to their aid because we screwed things up. God gave us free will, which some use to abuse. This many fish in this tank was a choice, and they are all dead from that choice. That is hard to hear, but it is true, whatever the causes that led to it, and we need to learn from it. Many animals die because they were not taken care of by those who were entrusted with their care, day in, day out (watch Animal cop shows on animal planet!!). They die from being starved, abused, or living in overcrowded conditions...or bad water. These are physical realities; we will never learn if God bails our sorry selves out of everything.
It is God's challenge to us to learn to care for this creation, and use them for our benefit, so long as we do so with compassion. He works through others, by giving them talents to learn and write books for others to learn from, just as he works through the hands of skilled doctors. It is for us to learn to take care of creation, not for him to bail us out every time we choose to ignore what has been learned.
I am glad that you have learned from this experience, and grown from it. That is God's message, IMO. Take care of what has been entrusted to you. Give them the best possible life now that they are in human care. Find the right food. Get the right tank or the right fish for the tank. Find a better store. Get some books. Don't overcrowd the fish. And you know what? Some fish will still die, but you learned to do the best you could for them, and that is all anyone asks.


way off topic,but,
you should never criticise faith. whether the stupid mistake is poorly caring for fish or being on a sinking ship without a lifeboat, that same faith will be the one to save you.


Active Member
I am not critical of faith at all, and I don't think my post is in any way critical of faith as a general concept. I have faith, sometimes not enough, but if I don't take care of my cat, and it dies, I am not going to say that I prayed to save the cat...I just didn't feed it and God didn't make food appear so that is that. That is not God's fault, it is my own, since it was my choice not to feed the cat- not because I didn't have enough faith. Let's not throw this all in God's hands, because in this case, it does not get us far. I don't think it is fair to bring Him into this argument at all, because now we can't say "hey, let's address what really happened here." Because I did, now I am critical of faith, which is not the case.
So let us take God out of this, and address what really went wrong in this situation, to insure that it doesn't happen again. That is my purpose. It is the same faith, but a different interpretation of it. I'm for responsibility. I think those involved have learned from this tragedy, but let's not fall back into the same pattern. We need to learn from mistakes. That is a test of man, to learn and grow.