am i overstocking with this tang.?


Active Member
Ok ill say it once more so the tang idea (lopezi tang) so i listed a fish list below what about a bird wrasse insteda of the butterfly
P.S no small fish last in my tank 4 some reason.
it will be a 72 gallon bowfront tank.
this is what i have.
yellow tang
pink blue watcman
and the new addition below!
Lopezi Tang
or do you need either one tang or three plus?
is all tht in a 72 too much or could i eve get away wih one more tiny fish,
there would only be about 20 lbs of lr and woul have otns of swimming room.


the problem i would initially see besides the tank size and recomended size for tangs is that the amount of live rock does not create alot of hiding spots for them to feel safe. I would fill up on live Rock make alot of caves and hiding spots before i thought about adding another tang.
trust me im not saying it wont work Im a violator of those rules myself, Just from my experience if your going to do it do it right add more Rock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pallan
the problem i would initially see besides the tank size and recomended size for tangs is that the amount of live rock does not create alot of hiding spots for them to feel safe. I would fill up on live Rock make alot of caves and hiding spots before i thought about adding another tang.
ok but everythig els is good
the reccomended is 75 but how much is 3 gallons gonna hurt?
i said little rock making more swmi room but if you think more rock then i will b uy more rock and wait to buy one untill i fill my tank with lr


Active Member
You will need over 100 lbs. of live rock, a seasoned tank 9-12 months old and experience to do this combo. You would be ok with the tank size for a couple of months with 1(one) tang but not two and especially with such little experience and live rock for them to graze on.


Active Member
IMO, a 72g is too small for long term for a Naso lopezi. That fish can grow to 22''. Depending on the size of it now may determine if the tank is overstocked or not.....
But I strongly recommend you dont plan on keeping that tang for long in that tank...


well the reccomended 75 gallons even on this site is an iffy thing most people will agree that a tang should have a 6 foot long tank. Now im not one that can afford to change at this moment and i do have two tangs in my 75. See now your gonna have the tang police all over me lol
anyway, if you are going to have a tang or two in a 70 ish gallon tank i would add lots of live rock. give the tangs something to dart into and out of. a place to hide and call there own. they are very territorial and need to have a space that they can defend and retreat to as needed no matter what size tank you have. If i had it to do again i would go with a larger tank. and i will someday right now i keep two very aggressive species of tangs in the same tank. they are both growing eating and aside from the occasional tail swipe by one or the other they are both doing well together.
My theory, Lots of Rock, lots of flow, and good water quality. keep those and you can keep the fish.
as to the rest of your list i would say that is all fine. ive got that and more in my tank


Originally Posted by Dogstar
IMO, a 72g is too small for long term for a Naso lopezi. That fish can grow to 22''. Depending on the size of it now may determine if the tank is overstocked or not.....
But I strongly recommend you dont plan on keeping that tang for long in that tank...
not disagreeing with you at all on this. people are just drawn to the recomended size of tank on the fishes care sheet, i was and now i got my two tangs LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
All tangs (and triggers) need at least 125 gallons or larger.
i can be.ieve tht ive hear 75 or 6 feet but a 125 is crazy.
i dont think thy would have a problm with 2 tangs (wait my lfs says tht you should have 1 or 2 or moe tangs cus they can sometimes fight. so i would need 3 tangs.... tht would be ctazy for a size tank but would it work so
yellow tang
2 other tangs?
pink blue watchman
hows tht? 2 much?
what would u suggest if you agree with too much the
pink and blue
have to stay.
i would like larger fish like tangs that look great other then anthias


wait my lfs says tht you should have 1 or 2 or moe tangs cus they can sometimes fight. so i would need 3 tangs.
this is for the same species of tang like yellows 2 in a tank will fight and hurt each other. so the basic rule is have 1 Yellow tang or 3 or more tangs.It also goes for to tangs with the same coloration and body shape this can cause them to fight also.
I think you have plenty of tangs and I dont think your choice in tangs is the best one thing you have to look at is a bow front tank actually is shorter than a regular tank so the swimming room is actually decrease.
and what I can find on them says they get about 18-20 inches in lenght when its full grown do a search for Naso lopezi.


If the two tangs fight alot they will probably break out in ich which is a nightmare. How bout a tang and a butterfly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
i can be.ieve tht ive hear 75 or 6 feet but a 125 is crazy.
I hate seeing Naso's even in tanks around 135. All they did was "pace" the tank, and ran out of room super fast. When you see them in several thousand gallon systems, you can truly appreciate them. For sure, the 72 is far too small for this type of tang.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I hate seeing Naso's even in tanks around 135. All they did was "pace" the tank, and ran out of room super fast. When you see them in several thousand gallon systems, you can truly appreciate them. For sure, the 72 is far too small for this type of tang.
ok i thank you so much for the info i just saw their beauty and cme here
so a yelow and a butterfly of somesort sounds like an awsome idea.
i would make sure tht the butterfly is eating in the store.
are there butterflys tht you would and wouldnt reccomend.
so hows this?
ButteflyOR BIRD WRASSE :joy:
Pink blue watchman
Cleaner wrasse
cleaner shrimp
hmm.. :thinking:
thanx for all your time
have a good rest of the day!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
and what I can find on them says they get about 18-20 inches in lenght
Fishbase says 60.0 cm = 23.4 inches, this in the wild.


there are several diffferent places that give different sizes on them but the average in the home tank seems to be 18-20 from what I can find. as with any fish with the right enviroment it has the potential to get even larger.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
there are several diffferent places that give different sizes on them but the average in the home tank seems to be 18-20 from what I can find. as with any fish with the right enviroment it has the potential to get even larger.
k thts off
:) so hows the isea above w/
butterfly O/R BIRD WRASSE
MINUS the cleaner wrasse


Active Member
Naso's swim so much..I wouldnt try and put one in less than a 150...much less 2 tangs...I want a tang of some sort to go in my 92..., But its a corner...No room to swim so I wont even try it...Just gives my an excuse to up to around a 360...Woot..That will be a while though..


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
i can be.ieve tht ive hear 75 or 6 feet but a 125 is crazy.
i dont think thy would have a problm with 2 tangs (wait my lfs says tht you should have 1 or 2 or moe tangs cus they can sometimes fight. so i would need 3 tangs.... tht would be ctazy for a size tank but would it work so
yellow tang
henichous butterfly
pink blue watchman
hows tht? 2 much?
what would u suggest if you agree with too much the
pink and blue
have to stay.
i would like larger fish like tangs that look great other then anthias


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
Forget about the Yellow Tang.
i cant i already have him.. hes small though