Ambient Temp Question

Chances are if I ever get a salt tank going it will end up in a room that the ambient stays around 79-81* year around. Is this going to cause any problems?

bang guy

Reef tank? There are just too many unknowns to answer. Waterflow and lighting contribute the most toward water temp so a reef is going to be more difficult to cool. A sump will help a LOT because you can put more fans on it to increase evaporation.
There may eventually be some soft corals in there. If I need to leave them out and run a FOWLR then so be it. My guess is that would allow me to only run the lights when Im in the room viewing the tank. That might be even better

The temps in that room wont change much and cant be helped.
Im just really not wanting to spend the high $$$ for a chiller if I dont have to.

bang guy

Try to design in a sump. It give you a lot of options. Also consider keeping animals from high temp areas like the Red Sea so you can keep the tank at 85F and not have to worry much.

bang guy

Not where the actual coral you purchase comes from but where the species thrives in the wild.
Look up Red Sea Corals or Red Sea Fish.