


I like the abbreviations.
Acroporas need light- fact
anemones can live under pc's-IMO or if I've actually done it, IME.
You don't NEED a protein skimmer- JMHO
It kinda helps deter an argument. I mean you know there are many opinions on the topic and to say, JMO, means you've considered that.
Acronyms are not just used on the boards, they are used in the workplace, in the military, good lord are they ever used in the military
, pretty much everywhere.
They are beneficial and time saving.
I could say I don't like the smileys for the same reason, but they serve more purposes than making a post cute.

This, for the record, is NMO, this is pure fact.

and just to set the record perfectly straight, IMO, JMHO, LOL etc, are NOT acronyms.
They are abbreviations.
Acronyms are actual words. One I think I remember is SALUTE
Uniform or unit
or... CHIP


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
I like the acronyms.
Acroporas need light- fact
anemones can live under pc's-IMO or if I've actually done it, IME.
You don't NEED a protein skimmer- JMHO
It kinda helps deter an argument. I mean you know there are many opinions on the topic and to say, JMO, means you've considered that.
Acronyms are not just used on the boards, they are used in the workplace, in the military, good lord are they ever used in the military
, pretty much everywhere.
They are beneficial and time saving.
I could say I don't like the smileys for the same reason, but they serve more purposes than making a post cute.

This, for the record, is NMO, this is pure fact.

and just to set the record perfectly straight, IMO, JMHO, LOL etc, are NOT acronyms.
They are abbreviations.
Acronyms are actual words. One I think I remember is SALUTE
Uniform or unit

Lol can be an acronym, its often used as a word. JMO would only be an abbreviation since it can't be a word.


I never heard anybody say "LOL" except to say lull.
I think I'd have to smack somebody, LOL
Originally Posted by stdreb27
in all fareness, I have no Idea what Amd! means.
It's not an actual acronym...I was just using it as acronyms must die...I don't know half of the acronyms/abbreviations people use...the time saving ones are fine, but the ones derived from texting used by younger generations are so annoying.


Active Member
Well when you read a post with lol do you think 'el oh el' or 'lahl'? If it's 'lahl' then you are reading it as a word.


Yea, I definitely agree with smokingreefer. Wait, that could be taken wrongly...Nope, true either way. A lot of the acronyms used here are ridiculous. A lot of the time I think people just make up acronyms as they go.


Active Member
Originally Posted by smokingreefer
It's not an actual acronym...I was just using it as acronyms must die...I don't know half of the acronyms/abbreviations people use...the time saving ones are fine, but the ones derived from texting used by younger generations are so annoying.
hehe, I was wondering about that.


I agree, and I prefer to spell things out. But it isn't just here. Some freak-tard last week actually said, SAID to me, "LOL." The conversation died right there and I walked away. All I could think was, are you freaking kidding me, buddy? It was WAY too much like the annoying commercials where they talk in text. UGH! Horrible grammar and etiquette.
I would like to add something on here, another rant.
LEARN TO SPELL EVERYONE! I don't care if you misspell a huge long species name, or maybe have not-so-great typing skills, but let's all learn the uses of contractions. My biggest pet peeve... Usage of the word YOUR. If you're using YOUR and it can be replaced with "you are" then it's YOU'RE! As in YOU'RE NOT USING THE WORD YOUR CORRECTLY.

Ah, thanks for listening to me. I know it's (<--- there you go, another contraction) just a forum, but I was raised to get it right, all the time. I'd like to think my education wasn't wasted.

And yes, go ahead and flame the crap outta me now. I saw what happened to SmokingReefer, but I'll take the heat happily just to get that out there!