Ammo Lock: Ammonia Detoxiifier


Does anyone know what bearing this has on the cycling of the system? If you have a high ammonia problem will it only make ammonia non-toxic to fish while allowing the cycling porcess to take place?


Active Member
IMO you should not use this product during cycling. It should only be used if you have an emergency ammonia situation in a established tank.
If you have fish in a cycling tank you are better off, doing large frequent water changes to keep ammonia levels down, or removing the fish.

bang guy

I agree, do water changes to lower Ammonia levels in a cycling tank.
A major problem with Ammonia detox products is they consume a LOT of oxygen during the chemical process. The bacteria you are trying to grow during the cycle also consume oxygen and cutting them off from O2 will delay the cycle completion.


THanks Birdy and Bang Guy... Let me tell you a bit more about my situation. My 145 tank has been up and running for 5 months. At four months my fish fish all died. I then let tank sit empty for 3 weeks, except for 2 hermit crabs. Last weekend I added a 6" porcupine puffer and a 4" Clown trigger, both heavy meat eaters. Two days after arrival I noticed ammonia, fish developed ick simultaneously. I hypoed tank with daily water changes, but have stopped recently because I reached desired gravity. I don't want fish to be overcome by environmental stresses so I have been adding ammonia lock evry other day. Is my tank cycled enough, becasue it is not really new. Or would I be better off doing daily 25% water changes? Just to let you know I have had this ammonia reading for 8 days.
AM- .2-.5
Nitrates-0-5... Not sure if this is from incomplete cycle or from frequent water changes
PH -7.9


Active Member
Ah, well hyposalnity lowers pH and also can increase the chance of an ammonia level spiking.
I would continue to do the water changes, just change water with 1.009 SG. Also be sure your pH level is where it should be.
I don't think using the ammo lock is going to hurt in this situation, but maybe Bang Guy has some more insight than I do.
Oh and stop feeding, maybe feed like once a week until you are done with hypo.