THanks Birdy and Bang Guy... Let me tell you a bit more about my situation. My 145 tank has been up and running for 5 months. At four months my fish fish all died. I then let tank sit empty for 3 weeks, except for 2 hermit crabs. Last weekend I added a 6" porcupine puffer and a 4" Clown trigger, both heavy meat eaters. Two days after arrival I noticed ammonia, fish developed ick simultaneously. I hypoed tank with daily water changes, but have stopped recently because I reached desired gravity. I don't want fish to be overcome by environmental stresses so I have been adding ammonia lock evry other day. Is my tank cycled enough, becasue it is not really new. Or would I be better off doing daily 25% water changes? Just to let you know I have had this ammonia reading for 8 days.
AM- .2-.5
Nitrates-0-5... Not sure if this is from incomplete cycle or from frequent water changes
PH -7.9