amphipod problems


Well apparently you are not alone... Google ( "Dr. Ron Shimek" forum )
Then within that forum search "Amphipods overrunning corals?"
Interesting stuff. (sorry to take you out of this forum but Ron is 'da Man)


yea,its funny everyone jsut thinks were wrong becuase its not a commen problem.Still wish there was an easier solution besides sending a poor fish to get beat up by my occelarris.

coral keeper

Active Member
I dont think your clown will beat up a nother fish. Im probably going to go with a mandarinfish or a scooter blenny but ill check if they eat first if one of them eats ill take it but if non eat ill get a 6 line.

coral keeper

Active Member
lol. Then best of luck to you. Tell me when you go to the store and get a fish ok? Tell me what kind of fish ya got. Good luck! Im not sure when im going to go tho.


Active Member
I had an amphipod explosion one year into my tank. When they run out of food they start eating things in your tank. Mine ate up my poor sea cucumber. They would crawl all over him at night and he would wrinkle up where they were biting him.
I bought a psychedelic mandarin and the problem went away in a few weeks. They cant fit the mature amphipods in their mouths, but they eat the babies, which eventually brings the population back under control.
A word of warning. Mandarins need a lot of established live rock or they will starve. I would say a 55 gallon tank heavily stocked with live rock and really light on the fish load is absolute minimum.
BTW nothing will mess with your mandarin. They are poisonous. However, male mandarins will kill other males of the same species.

coral keeper

Active Member
Im going to try to find a mandarin fish that eats frozen or flake. If i cant find one that eat froze or flakes then ill check with a scooter blenny if he still dosent ill wait till they get a new shipment and try again. Thanks a lot for the info everyone!! Really apprreciate it!


Active Member
Make sure you don;t buy a mandarin because the pet store says it will eat prepared food. Make them SHOW you.

coral keeper

Active Member
I will make them SHOW me that it eats before i buy it. So im going to get a mandarinfish that eats frozen or flakes and im am going to make them SHOW me.