Amphipods, copopods, isopods


I have been searching for pods for weeks with no luck. I have a very bright led light with the white and red lenses. Tonight while looking, my wife grabbed her dim, almost dead batteried flashlights and taadaaa!!!
b So i am passing this on. with the bright light you couldn't see anything on the glass. With the dimmer light, you could see lots of them moving on the glass. 1 question... Are these pics magnified and how much? What i am seeing is small. You really can't make out features with the

eye. Are they in early stages, just small species, or am i blind?



Wow they are so fast. I definately have little critters in my tank yet being so fast are hard to identify!! Anything I can do to help me notice if they are bad? Do the bad ones exhibit different behaviors?


Wow I just looked and on the Suction cups of my Powerhead and on the rubber around the heater there are a lot of little -pods of some sort! Its ALIVE!
o those are Hydroid Jellyfish, They sometimes come if you feed babybrine shrimp.
They can come and reproduce into huge numbers then one day all together dissapear, IME they dont last to long in tanks.

aztec reef

Active Member
i say good .copepods this are the only ones that you can id right away. cause theyre the ones that are always visual on glass. amphipods i use to only see them at night but since i seeded my bed with fauna they're always visual, some are in the lr and some are hosting some lps. my fauna is the most diversity livestock in my tank. but i dont even try to id cause its almost imposible to do it while in tank. you have to catch them or breed them in a fuge for easyer identification.


i have anew set up with lr i was looking in it and seen tinny littel things all over my tank frist i thouhgt thay where just on the glass but at night i can see theme all over and is there any thing i should do are will thay just go a way :help:


Originally Posted by Thomas712
You won't find these guy I hope: bioluminescentamphipods
Why? are they bad? I've never heard of them.


Originally Posted by Urethekau
Why? are they bad? I've never heard of them.
First off I only added them for fun as they are deep sea creatures, but if you ever found them they are reported to be carnivorous. Being bio luminescent they would also produce their own light.


Active Member
I woke up this morning and have doezens of "Itty Bitty" white things in my hydrometer 'playing', on the glass, and floating/swimming around
smaller than a millimeter, you can barely see them; but they are fun to watch =D I think that they are either Copepods or Isopods. Hoping copepods
but they are too small to get a picture
I had to fairly big ones that came w/ my live rock, but didn't think that I wanted them, so through them out.
Shoulda kept 'em
O well
Anyone in NY want a baby Clown Trigger??
I have a 4 month old system w only a damsel, 75lbs LR, 45lbs live sand. I'll take the clown from you and give him a home in this tank, all alone just for him.


How about beach sand from the actual beach, not from out in the water?


Hi there everyone, i just have a quick question. I have my 55 gallon reef set up for nearly 2 years. the live rock in there are in great shape, the sand bed has been in there ever since the beginning. Do you think there is enough pods in there for one mandarin goby to live off of? I haven't got one yet but just asking now to make sure it will live a happy life in my 55 gallon. Thx ahead for any advice given.


New Member
duhwun, read this article..
I have had a mandarin for 6 months now and I am preparing to move him from a 30g to a 90g. The key is to ensure there aren't too many other fish competing for pods..
If you take a flashlight to the tank at night you will be able to see the pods swimming around. Two years is a long time and in most cases should be established enough to hold one. I would maybe start a seperate fuge and on a weekly/daily basis drop pods from it into the main tank. Being proactive is better then watching a mandarin starve.
One word of advise.. stay away from Wrasse's if you want a mandarin in that size tank. The different line wrasses will eat the pods before the mandarin gets a chance! As well as Scooter Dragonets..


maby bringing an old good thread alive.HI and thanks for any advice you have. I have a 125 reef tank set up that has been set up for about five years, I started a refugium in the sump about two years ago. After I set up the refugium I added a few different types of bottled PODS or as we like to call them BUGS, the pod population took off great, I would lie on the floor and check them out. Over time there was a lot of sediments on the floor, I added two green brittle stars, they cleaned up the sediment but my bug population has gone to almost none. I have asked a few people at the local LFS and have been told that the stars won’t eat the bugs, anybody have experience with this??