An algae identification thread


Active Member
maybe if I am bored I'll create a new thread topnight on this. I can believe we lost all those pictures.


There was also an algae that Henry I.D.'d somewhere that looked like short stubby green tubelike you know what that was.....I can't find that either


Active Member
Wonder where they all went? it is like a mod went in and deleted all the pictures. I think I referenced where I got them from. Hmmm..........I can't even go in to edit them as the postings are old enough where they don't allow you to edit. Think this happened during the upgrade?


Active Member
HUH! I just noticed that this was a sticky too. Damn!!!
Think I'll PM SCSI and see if he can see what happened.


spanko;3227308 said:
Neomeris annulata? this bad? I have one little piece that looks like it...
I have no clue where the pics went....I wish they would come back though LOL
Did you see my question about a red algae that may look like a mushroom....I can not seem to get a pic of it
(it also may be a mushroom..LOL)


Active Member
The Neomeris sp. can get out of hand if you let it. Otherwise not a bad thing and very pretty. A calcareous algae like Halimeda sp.
Pretty detailed description there toots. "a red algae that may
look like a mushroom" "it also may be a mushroom"



Originally Posted by spanko
The Neomeris sp. can get out of hand if you let it. Otherwise not a bad thing and very pretty. A calcareous algae like Halimeda sp.

Pretty detailed description there toots. "a red algae that may
look like a mushroom" "it also may be a mushroom"
Well I have tried and tried, and can not get a good pic of the red thing
here is the green and a crappy pic of the red thing
Attachment 238486
Attachment 238487
Attachment 238488



Originally Posted by spanko
Green algae is not neomeris. Looks more like Boergesenia forbesii
a bubble algae.
I just looked up both images.....mine does not have that white base (that I can see anyway)...So what do I do....take it out?


Active Member
I would, just because I would want to pop it outside the tank to see if it is a bubble algae.


Originally Posted by spanko
I would, just because I would want to pop it outside the tank to see if it is a bubble algae.
LOL....I meant the green stalky thing....This rock is on the very very bottom in the 54G....There is no way it is coming out

I looked at some sites, and this stalk has no bubble in it at is all the same size and shape

How would you get rid of it from in the tank...I just added 2 emerald crabs on Tuesday...


Active Member
Okay the green stalky thing. (another good description) Let it grow and see what happens. Looking closer it may be Codium sp.


spanko;3227605 said:
Okay the green stalky thing. (another good description) Let it grow and see what happens. Looking closer it may be Codium sp.
LOL...Now stop making fun of my descriptions
Now I will go look up codium