An EXTREME test of 'thriftiness'


Active Member
In my boredom, I have decided to embark on a challenge of Extreme thriftiness that I heard a $ guru on the radio talking about a couple of months ago.
Kids...don't try this at home...

The guy was trying to go one year using the same disposable razor. Using techniques such as drying off his razor with a hair dryer after each use. So starting tomorrow (I guess this could be my New Year's resolution since I don't do those), I am starting out with a brand new Schick Xtreme3 (triple blade mind you) disposable razor. I think my wife paid about $12 for the 8-pack, so that's a $1.50 razor, to last the entire 2009 year. Think it can be done?
I know, I know...some are thinking "are you really saving that much by not using throw away $1.50 razors"? Remember, it's the concept, not necesarily the savings. I'm thrifty by nature...(I like the word 'thrifty' over 'cheap').
Let the challenge begin, tommorrow morning...


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
You could make one last indefinitely. Just grow a beard!

No, I'll play fair. I do have a goatee so I don't have as much to shave as most guys, but I'm typically an 'every other day' shaver on average.


Active Member
I dont think it could be done at least not without pain unless you dont have much facial hair. I could never pull it off.


Active Member
dude do what I'm doing pick up one of these.
There is no point in putting yourself in that much pain. There is a difference between thriftiness and INSANITY.
I tried to make my razors last. And you know what happened. I just stopped shaving... Once every couple of weeks. IT wasn't pretty.


Active Member
My buddy actually works in design for Schick.
Do you want his input on whether or not this is a good idea?
Oh, and do you think that the Band-aid cost will outweigh the savings from the razor?


i make one disposable razor last me 4 months, im not kidding, i go through 3 (sometimes 4) razor heads a year. i just cant see buying a new pack of razors if the one i am using actually works. i also shave while in the shower vs in the sink. and it is much more effective because water is constantly hitting my face and it helps the blade glide easier on my skin (which also eliminates the need for shaving cream... which is also quite expensive)
sometimes i like to let it grow for a week or so and go for the scruffy look for a few days, (the ladies love the scruffy look) and then when i get tired and go to shave... it hurts. a lot. it is quite painful. but id rather pay the price of a little pain on my face for a few minutes than pay $12 a month on razors.


Active Member
I'm saying you can't do it! After having too many cuts on your face and by accident your wife decides to shave her legs with one... you know what will happen :)
PS Do you mind passing along your wife's phone number??

PS2 You do know that she can use it without your knowledge?


Active Member
Good luck with your plan! I say you won't last 4 months. I have a goatee and I go about a month on a good 3 blade disposable, shaving every work day, not on weekends, shaving in the shower, and using a really good shave cream. Yeah, I could maybe double my usage intervals, but I do not even want to think about the pain.
We will be following up on you, so lets hear back in 2 months!


Active Member
I just asked hubby and he says that he changes when it feels like the blades are dragging, most times won't even last 2 weeks. He has a goatee too.


i have a gotee and shave in the shower and all i will say is if you make it 6 months i want a pic of you face strait after you shave, NOT after you put the stop aid on it and it
you will be good to go for halloween if you can use it that long


Active Member
Originally Posted by gmann1139
My buddy actually works in design for Schick.
Do you want his input on whether or not this is a good idea?
Oh, and do you think that the Band-aid cost will outweigh the savings from the razor?

If it gets to point of needing bandaids, then obviously the challenge will have failed. I won't let it get to that point...

Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
I'm saying you can't do it! After having too many cuts on your face and by accident your wife decides to shave her legs with one... you know what will happen :)
PS Do you mind passing along your wife's phone number??

PS2 You do know that she can use it without your knowledge?
You bring up a good point. Although I have never known her to borrow my razor, I cannot allow this chance while undertaking this challenge. I'll will advise her of what's going on, and also find a secret spot to store it just to remove this possiblilty.
Originally Posted by cavan

i have a gotee and shave in the shower and all i will say is if you make it 6 months i want a pic of you face strait after you shave, NOT after you put the stop aid on it and it
you will be good to go for halloween if you can use it that long

Shaving in the shower would not work for this challenge, as part of the whole premise is that the blades have to be dried immediately after each use. Surprisingly, this does extend their life dramatically. Now whether it will make them last 1 year, we shall see.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
No, I'll play fair. I do have a goatee so I don't have as much to shave as most guys, but I'm typically an 'every other day' shaver on average.
Well being an every other day shaver means it should last twice as long as normal. Then if you keep your goatee we can assume that you only have half the whiskers to shave, so that again would double how long it would last. That means you would get 4 times the life out of a shaver.
With those assumptions let's say that a shaver will last a week normally. A shaver for you would last a month. I use a disposable shaver and I am not sure how long they last, but it is more than a week and I shave very day. The shavers I use have two blades, you are going with three so that SHOULD mean it could last longer. Another assumption, I change shavers every two weeks, with your three blader that should mean three weeks.
OK so let's see where we are, your three blade disposable shaver should last three weeks. However with your 4 times the life in the first paragraph of this dissertation that means the shaver should last you 12 weeks. However if you dry the blades and it does extend the life of the blades let's again assume that it will double the life of the blades. So that would take the 12 weeks up to 24 weeks. Which if we do some goes-intas and round up means that you are at 6 months.
So you could easily make 6 months without an effort. If you stretch things a little bit I would think you could make it a year.

Of course if your wife uses it once this all goes out the window. Or should we say, "down the drain"


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
Well being an every other day shaver means it should last twice as long as normal. Then if you keep your goatee we can assume that you only have half the whiskers to shave, so that again would double how long it would last. That means you would get 4 times the life out of a shaver.
With those assumptions let's say that a shaver will last a week normally. A shaver for you would last a month. I use a disposable shaver and I am not sure how long they last, but it is more than a week and I shave very day. The shavers I use have two blades, you are going with three so that SHOULD mean it could last longer. Another assumption, I change shavers every two weeks, with your three blader that should mean three weeks.
OK so let's see where we are, your three blade disposable shaver should last three weeks. However with your 4 times the life in the first paragraph of this dissertation that means the shaver should last you 12 weeks. However if you dry the blades and it does extend the life of the blades let's again assume that it will double the life of the blades. So that would take the 12 weeks up to 24 weeks. Which if we do some goes-intas and round up means that you are at 6 months.
So you could easily make 6 months without an effort. If you stretch things a little bit I would think you could make it a year.

Of course if your wife uses it once this all goes out the window. Or should we say, "down the drain"

Hey, hey....finally somebody with some encouragement....

You lost me somewhere in the middle of all that math, but from what I read, it sounds doable.
I shaved last night before the party, so today wasn't necesary. First shave with new razor...tomorrow


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
Well being an every other day shaver means it should last twice as long as normal. Then if you keep your goatee we can assume that you only have half the whiskers to shave, so that again would double how long it would last. That means you would get 4 times the life out of a shaver.
With those assumptions let's say that a shaver will last a week normally. A shaver for you would last a month. I use a disposable shaver and I am not sure how long they last, but it is more than a week and I shave very day. The shavers I use have two blades, you are going with three so that SHOULD mean it could last longer. Another assumption, I change shavers every two weeks, with your three blader that should mean three weeks.
OK so let's see where we are, your three blade disposable shaver should last three weeks. However with your 4 times the life in the first paragraph of this dissertation that means the shaver should last you 12 weeks. However if you dry the blades and it does extend the life of the blades let's again assume that it will double the life of the blades. So that would take the 12 weeks up to 24 weeks. Which if we do some goes-intas and round up means that you are at 6 months.
So you could easily make 6 months without an effort. If you stretch things a little bit I would think you could make it a year.

Of course if your wife uses it once this all goes out the window. Or should we say, "down the drain"

you are making the assumption that the only damage that occurs with the razor is the actual act of shaving. And this simply isn't true. I'd argue even dried, that you will get oxidation on the blades. It isn't just usage that kills a razor.


Active Member
You raise a good point. I do know that leaving a blade wet causes it to deteriorate much faster, but not sure about oxidation. One could consider a quick spray shot of PAM or some oil for preservation after drying, but now we are getting extreme....Wait, this is an extreme challenge.

I think it's best to stick with just the average razor, and only use drying as the extra measure (other than hiding razor from wife) to see if this works.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
In my boredom, I have decided to embark on a challenge of Extreme thriftiness that I heard a $ guru on the radio talking about a couple of months ago.
Kids...don't try this at home...

The guy was trying to go one year using the same disposable razor. Using techniques such as drying off his razor with a hair dryer after each use. So starting tomorrow (I guess this could be my New Year's resolution since I don't do those), I am starting out with a brand new Schick Xtreme3 (triple blade mind you) disposable razor. I think my wife paid about $12 for the 8-pack, so that's a $1.50 razor, to last the entire 2009 year. Think it can be done?
I know, I know...some are thinking "are you really saving that much by not using throw away $1.50 razors"? Remember, it's the concept, not necesarily the savings. I'm thrifty by nature...(I like the word 'thrifty' over 'cheap').
Let the challenge begin, tommorrow morning...

this is a great way to give yourself a staff infection and a really bad acne problem.