An EXTREME test of 'thriftiness'


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
this is a great way to give yourself a staff infection and a really bad acne problem.
Okay, I'm sure the "staff infection" comment is related to all the other "going to cut yourself" comments, but you have my attention with the "acne". I have never had acne, maybe a few zits when I was a teenager 100 yrs ago, so is there something else related to a dull razor and acne?


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
Okay, I'm sure the "staff infection" comment is related to all the other "going to cut yourself" comments, but you have my attention with the "acne". I have never had acne, maybe a few zits when I was a teenager 100 yrs ago, so is there something else related to a dull razor and acne?
disposable blades are not MEANT to be reused. so, when you use them repeatedly, you bend and nick the cutting surface, creating tiny pits in the metal where bacteria grows and festers.
unless you STERILIZE the blade with an AUTOCLAVE, you'll never be able to clean it thoroughly - which means, every time you pass the blade over your skin, you inoculate yourself with bacteria. Bacteria causes infections.... and acne.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
disposable blades are not MEANT to be reused. so, when you use them repeatedly, you bend and nick the cutting surface, creating tiny pits in the metal where bacteria grows and festers.
unless you STERILIZE the blade with an AUTOCLAVE, you'll never be able to clean it thoroughly - which means, every time you pass the blade over your skin, you inoculate yourself with bacteria. Bacteria causes infections.... and acne.
See, that's why I asked....Good point. I will consider this as the blade starts to get dull.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
See, that's why I asked....Good point. I will consider this as the blade starts to get dull.
try... an electric shaver. or, as STD pointed out... a straight blade... one that is actually forged to withstand regular repeated use. IMHO, the skin on one's face is not the best place to experiment with thriftiness.... or much of anything else, for that matter.


Active Member
I think a lot of it has to do with the person as well. I could probably shave with a steak knife. My Fusion razor sees 4 showers a day (I just toss it into the shower caddy) and each blade set lasts at least 3 months for me, an every 3rd day shaver. No zits or pipples to worry about.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
try... an electric shaver. or, as STD pointed out... a straight blade
Now that would completely ruin the whole fun of the challenge now wouldn't it....

Originally Posted by AquaKnight

I think a lot of it has to do with the person as well. I could probably shave with a steak knife. My Fusion razor sees 4 showers a day (I just toss it into the shower caddy) and each blade set lasts at least 3 months for me, an every 3rd day shaver. No zits or pipples to worry about.
Agree...I have always used disposables and have never "dried" them before this experiment, and Iv'e never had any facial breakouts. So although this will be a challenge, I don't think it's impossible.


Originally Posted by T316
One could consider a quick spray shot of PAM or some oil for preservation after drying, but now we are getting extreme....Wait, this is an extreme challenge.
this isnt a bad idea. i used to work in the meat industry. and we were taught that if we want our knives to last long, without excessive sharpening, then after we clean them we put oil on them. i had a really really sharp knife that i put oil on it and it stayed sharp for months, and i used it to cut meat every friggin day. no knife could take that kind of abuse, and it surely wouldnt have lasted without the oil treatment at the end of the day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
You raise a good point. I do know that leaving a blade wet causes it to deteriorate much faster, but not sure about oxidation. One could consider a quick spray shot of PAM or some oil for preservation after drying, but now we are getting extreme....Wait, this is an extreme challenge.

I think it's best to stick with just the average razor, and only use drying as the extra measure (other than hiding razor from wife) to see if this works.
Use mineral oil.
Originally Posted by AquaKnight

I think a lot of it has to do with the person as well. I could probably shave with a steak knife. My Fusion razor sees 4 showers a day (I just toss it into the shower caddy) and each blade set lasts at least 3 months for me, an every 3rd day shaver. No zits or pipples to worry about.
Do you even have a facial hair? I used to shave once every couple of weeks. I'd have a beard, and would have to go over it with clippers before shaving. And those blades would last 2 shaves before they would start ripping the hair from my face. If I shaved every weekday, they'd last for 4 shaves the friday would be ridiculously painful.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
IMHO, the skin on one's face is not the best place to experiment with thriftiness.... or much of anything else, for that matter.

yeah, why not just buy one package of underwear and just make that last all year. HEck I've got an electric razor I hate that I'd send you.


Active Member
Sorry about the math thing, I am an engineering geek. I could simplify it for you if you want, I was thinking and typing at the same time and it came out the gobbly gook in my post.
If we are going to get all scientific here, I would not worry about oxidation. The blades are stainless steel, or at least should be, so they are resitant to that. However the water that you use will leave behind a residue, think water spots on your blade. So you should really rinse your razor in DI water before you dry it off. Then put a coat of oil on it after each use and you should never have to replace this thing at all.


Active Member
I use a 4 blade razor. I shave every other day or so and have a goatee as well. My blades last a minimum of 3-4 months with no special treatment at all, so I dont really see a year being too far out of line if you are taking care of it.


Well-Known Member
I like being thrifty too....
I shave with a straight razor. Saves money on blades every month. Not that difficult to sharpen - and you even get a better and closer shave every time.
Mind you, I have to shave every single day, but I only have to use the strop once a week.
Here's an idea - after you shave, rinse it thoroughly with tap water. Then, dip it in alcohol and let it dry quickly. Then, after your done with that, put some mineral oil on it to keep the blade from oxidizing. It should work then. But then again, what is the point of having to buy alcohol and mineral oil if your goal is to be thrifty?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
Everyone go out and donate blood.... he's gonna need it.

Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33

I like being thrifty too....
I shave with a straight razor. Saves money on blades every month. Not that difficult to sharpen - and you even get a better and closer shave every time.
Mind you, I have to shave every single day, but I only have to use the strop once a week.
Here's an idea - after you shave, rinse it thoroughly with tap water. Then, dip it in alcohol and let it dry quickly. Then, after your done with that, put some mineral oil on it to keep the blade from oxidizing. It should work then. But then again, what is the point of having to buy alcohol and mineral oil if your goal is to be thrifty?
All good points, but I think I'm going to stick to the standard plan, with the exception of making sure I dry off the razor after each use. If it gets to the point of needing sterilization, or oiling, then I'll just chalk it up as a failure b/c that would be defeating the whole purpose of the experiment. I mainly just want to see if in fact it can be done....One standard disposable razor = one year.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
If we are going to get all scientific here, I would not worry about oxidation. The blades are stainless steel, or at least should be, so they are resitant to that. However the water that you use will leave behind a residue, think water spots on your blade. So you should really rinse your razor in DI water before you dry it off. Then put a coat of oil on it after each use and you should never have to replace this thing at all.

I disagree, stainless comes in many different grades. They oxidize. Then you do have the damage to the blade caused by your hair. The tip of a razor is basically a razor thing slice of metal. This is very malleable. Since it is soo thin. You'll destroy the tip of your blade.
The guys who don't, have fine thin beards. Where it isn't so much work to get through.


Active Member
Here's my two cents on this, it really depends on your beard when I was younger I bet I could have made a disposable razor last year shaving daily. My beard covered most of my face but was very fine and soft, now my beard is very coarse. I normally keep a full beard mainly because it is such a pain to keep it clean shaven a good 5 blade razor will only last me about 5 days at which point it is very painful to shave and if I skip a day shaving I can't even pull the razor though the whiskers it just grabs them and pull them out by the roots if I pull any harder. A disposable razor is a joke for me recently had to work out of town and found out that I had to shave my beard to meet the local safety requirements, since I was keeping a full beard I didn't pack a razor so I got three from the front desk of the hotel and two hours later all three blades dull and shaving in the shower to keep my beard soft mission accomplished although not a perfect shave, my face felt like it was on fire and I can't tell you how many cuts I had. It was good for a laugh for everyone I worked with when I showed up on site the next morning being baby faced, razor burned and cut up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
Any updates?
No updates, I'm only two shaves into the game...
I'm sure the first couple of months will go fine, so I'll keep updates after that.
Originally Posted by natclanwy

Here's my two cents on this, it really depends on your beard when I was younger I bet I could have made a disposable razor last year shaving daily.
There have been a couple of mentions of this, so for the record, I'm not Grizzly Adams or anything, but like I mentioned, I'm typically an 'every other day' shaver, unless I have a meeting or somewhere to go. But two days is about the limit. So I would consider myself "average".